Books by Steven D. Miller

Books by Steven D. Miller are available for those who dare to question the globalist narrative.
All ebooks have links to factual evidence that you can use to reprove the forces of darkness.  (Print books cannot have clickable links).
All ebooks are available in PDFs, EPUB, MOBI (Kindle), LRF, HTML, or PDB formats
They are available from Barnes & Noble or Smashwords.  and others.
I do not sell my books through this website.  By them from the vendor. I will never collect your credit card information.

  • Lawyer Corruption? A critical examination of how U.S. Justice has been slowly perverted for over two centuries.  $8.33, 40 pages.
  • Consent to Be Governed: Why We Don’t Have Rights Anymore America has been conquered by Collectivist Central Planners who are trained to cunningly deceive you. You waived your rights by submitting to legalities you did not understand. Learn their deceptions and don’t be enslaved again by the yoke of bondage.
  • Identification Credentials. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled that identification papers are abhorrent in the U.S. 90 pages. You set the price — help fund the search for truth.
  • Family Rights. The State owns your children.  Find out why. $6.99, 92 pages.
  • The Citizen Cannot Complain. Why have Americans lost “the rights of all mankind”? $4.50
  • Oaths. Christ told Christians to never swear.  The United States Supreme Court keeps ruling that forced oaths are abhorrent.  $4.50
  • Unlicensed Marriage. Christian weddings were never solemnized prior to the year 1536. They were not licensed in the U.S. until the 1820’s. $6.99, 118 pages.
  • Census. They have used Census data against us in the past. A federal court once ruled that: “Right to be free from compelled disclosure of names of household members is within right of privacy protected by Constitution.” $7, 118 pages.
  • An Easter Quiz to introduce you to my free PDF download on the only divine credential of Christ.


If you need a content writer for your blog or marketing campaign, Steven D. Miller is available.  Always controversial, well-researched content to warn your audience about the lies that enslave us.  Contact him at