By Steven D. Miller
Democracy has no place in America. The word Democracy is not in the Constitution. There are strong moral reasons that the writers of the U.S Constitution did not want a democracy. They knew that democracy would create chaos and violence.
Even in the pagan Roman Empire, everyone knew the maxim of law that a democracy is prohibited. Multitudo errantium non parit errori patrociuum “The multitude of those who err furnishes no excuse for error.” This maxim of law has been perpetuated through the millennia to us today, but you ignore it. Ignorance of the law is no excuse1 for violating it.
The U.S. Constitution promised to ensure domestic tranquility and secure the blessings of liberty. But today’s government exists by violence. Police, laws, courts, taxes, CPS, military and all other institutions of government exist by violent enforcement and threats of violence. Today’s government does NOT exist to protect your safety from violence. Safety and liberty are mutually incompatible.
Ben Franklin once wrote that
“Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”
— Benjamin Franklin, November 11, 1755; Reply to the Governor. This is inscribed on a plaque in the stairwell of the Statute of Liberty.
By the way, Ben Franklin signed the Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. He also signed the Peace Treaty with Britain thereby authorizing the U.S. to exist. Perhaps he knew something about the purpose of government he authorized to exist. Perhaps you should pay attention, or forfeit both your liberty and safety.
The Constitution tried to secure the blessings of liberty. It guarantees a republic form of government, NOT a democracy. No form of collectivism can respect individual rights.
There is a reason that you do not have any remaining rights. Those who register to vote have consented to be governed.
Frederic Bastiat in Economic Sophisms, Second Series, Chapter 1, The Physiology of Plunder, 1845:
“When plunder becomes a way of life for a group of men living together in a society, they create for themselves in the course of time, a legal system that authorizes it and a moral code that glorifies it.”
Collectivists cannot recognize individual rights. Collectivists covet their neighbors’ wealth through taxation and usury. Once the cancer of covetousness metastasizes into a democracy, no society can recover. There is no amount of government regulations that can cure the corruption, greed, sloth, deception and perversion that is spread by democracy. If you insist on participating, you will find yourself dominated by those who refuse to manage their own lives.
The writers of the Constitution knew what would happen to any government that allows greedy people to vote. Voting for welfare is a conflict of interest — discussed below. John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government, section 222, tells us that when government officers corrupt society, the result is
“to cut up the government by the roots, and poison the very fountain of public security…”
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We hold the truth that all men are created equal.
Every July Fourth Americans celebrate another anniversary of the signing of a famous document that told the world we had a right to be free and independent because we hold the truth that all men are created equal. The truth that we are created equal is the received law of the land in America. Love your neighbor as yourself, there is no greater moral commandment. This is the essence of being created equal. You do not love your neighbor by forcibly taking plunder from one neighbor to give to another. Forced charity is not charity, it is violence. Taking from others is theft, even if legalized by the mob.
Democracy denies that we have a right to be free and independent. Instead of holding the truth that we are all created equal, a democracy holds the truth that the mob is King.
According to the Declaration of Independence, governments are instituted among men to secure rights. You gave up your rights when you recognized the legitimacy of plunder (government benefits). An ungrateful free man is reduced to slavery.
Partaking in this evil will guarantee that you cannot be free and independent. For many reasons: The received law-of-the-land tells us that availing oneself of benefits “oblige the inferior to take the will of him on who he depends”. Every Law Dictionary will tell you “The civil laws reduce an ungrateful freedman to his original slavery” Libertinum ingratum leges civiles in pristinam servitutem redigunt.
In the words of Samuel Adams’ speech at the Philadelphia State House August 1, 1776:
In order to avail oneself of gifts, gratuities, and the benefits of mob rule, one must be willing to take something from his neighbor. By the phrase “willing to take something from his neighbor” I mean forcibly take from your neighbor if he fails to pay. You hired the tax collector to levy his wages, seize his bank account, and evict him with the force of guns if necessary, and sell his house in order for you to live more comfortably at his expense.
You have no right to take from others just because you want to live more comfortably. You have no right to crate a mob to take from others.
You become dependent on the state benefactors. Your greed has created the world you see around you. You now equate freedom with safety and comfort. Even though they are mutually exclusive. You converted your God-given responsibility to manage yourself into an intolerable burden.
More information on the ways you waived your rights is in my book The Citizen Cannot Complain.
A four volume law textbook Blackstone’s Commentaries On The Law was the preeminent law textbook in the English Colonies. It is considered by the Supreme Court to be part of the “received law of the land”. It explains in the introduction that all natural and legislated laws come from divine law:
Domination is the opposite of “all men are created equal”.
Thomas Jefferson was “against every form of tyranny over the mind of man”. You welcomed tyranny when you were the tyrant, and now you complain. Collectivism in any of its forms cannot recognize individual rights.
The Constitution was written in the Quaker State, and the founding fathers would be well aware of traditional Quaker fundamentals. Quaker Apology #14 by Robert Barclay (1678):
Since God hath assumed to himself the power and dominion of the conscience, who alone can rightly instruct and govern it, therefore it is not lawful for any whatsoever, by virtue of any authority or principality they bear in the government of this world, to force the consciences of others; and therefore all killing [executions], banishing, fining, imprisoning, and other such things, which men are afflicted with, for the alone exercise of their conscience, or difference in worship or opinion, proceedeth from the spirit of Cain the murderer, and is contrary to the Truth; provided always, that no man, under the pretense of conscience, prejudice his neighbour in his life or estate; or do anything destructive to, or inconsistent with human society; in which case the law is for the transgressor, and justice to be administered upon all, without respect of persons”
Many people are fooled into thinking that the United States is a democracy. The US Constitution, Article 4, section 4 guarantees to every inhabitant a REPUBLICAN form of government.
Democracy has no place in America. You have no right to dominate others. Others have very limited right to dominate you.
In a democracy, a majority votes to force their will on others. But in a nation where everyone is created equal, those who know right from wrong will never covet their neighbors’ goods, will not plunder the innocent, will not exercise dominion over others.
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for dinner.
Any political party that seeks to dominate others is evil. Don’t send your benefactors out to take money (taxes) from your neighbors. The Constitution controls government, not people. Anyone who participates in an election agrees to the outcome, regardless of how abhorrent. Don’t dominate others. Do unto others, as you would have them do unto you. Using force (the force of law) to bleed your neighbors dry is evil. Using the force of law to regulate your neighbors out of business is evil.
In a republic, everyone has rights. Your Constitution guaranteed you a republican form of government. In a democracy, the misguided mobocracy forces their will on the minority. The word “Republic” comes from the Latin idiom `Libera res publica’, which means “free from things public”.
Alexander Hamilton, debates of the Federal Convention, June 26, 1787:
“We are a Republic. Real Liberty is never found in despotism or in the extremes of Democracy.”
Alexander Hamilton, Speech in the Senate, June 21, 1785:
“The ancient democracies, in which the people themselves deliberated, never possessed one feature of good government. Their very character was tyranny; their figure deformity.”
James Madison, 1787, Federalist Paper #10:
“Democracy is the most vile form of government … democracies have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention: have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property: and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths. . . . Theoretical politicians who have patronized this species of government, have erroneously supposed that by reducing mankind to a perfect equality in their political rights, they would at the same time be perfectly equalized and assimilated in their possessions, their opinions, and their passions”
Of course democracies are “spectacles of turbulence and contention.” Democracies are only for those who would take the risk of losing their rights in exchange for the chance to dominate others.
Patrick Henry, Speech, Virginia Ratifying Convention (June 5, 1788), warned that democracy without morals would eventually reduce the nation to the basest of human passions:
“Show me that age and country where the rights and liberties of the people were placed on the sole chance of their rulers being good men without a consequent loss of liberty! I say that the loss of that dearest privilege has ever followed, with absolute certainty, every such mad attempt.”
Fisher Ames, who was the author of the words of the First Amendment, said at the Massachusetts Convention, January 15, 1788:
“A democracy is a volcano which conceals the fiery materials of its own destruction. These will produce an eruption and carry desolation in their way.”
John Adams, letter to John Taylor, December 17, 1814:
“Democracy has never been and never can be so durable as aristocracy or monarchy; but while it lasts, it is more bloody than either. … Remember, democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself. There never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide. … Those passions are the same in all men, under all forms of simple government, and when unchecked, produce the same effects of fraud, violence, and cruelty. When clear prospects are opened before vanity, pride, avarice, or ambition, for their easy gratification, it is hard for the most considerate philosophers and the most conscientious moralists to resist the temptation. Individuals have conquered themselves. Nations and large bodies of men, never.”
John Marshall, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, quoted in The Life of George Washington, page 447 (2d ed. 1832):
“Between a balanced Republic and a democracy, the difference is like that between order and chaos.”
Kentucky Constitution, Article 1, section 2, (also found in Wyoming Constitution, Article 1, section 7)
“Absolute, arbitrary power over the lives, liberty and property of freemen exists NOWHERE in a republic, not even in the largest majority.”
The largest majority is you standing alone against everyone else.
“Right is still right, even if you stand by yourself”
— Justice Clarence Thomas, speech at the Heritage Foundation, Link:
Supreme Court Justice Learned Hand, Spirit of Liberty:

Historian Polybius wrote a 40 volume history encyclopedia. The Histories Book 6, section 9:
2. William Elder, Questions of the Day, (Philadelphia: Henry Baird publisher, 1871) page 175, attributes the quote to Thomas Jefferson.
Democracy is contrary to the purpose of government.
That’s right. Democracy is the enemy of government.
“An enlightened people will never suffer what was established for their security to be perverted to an act of tyranny.”
— George Nicholas, Virginia Debates to ratify the U.S. Constitution, June 4, 1788.“it can never be supposed to be the will of the society, that the legislative should have a power to destroy that which every one designs to secure, by entering into society, and for which the people submitted themselves to legislators of their own making; whenever the legislators endeavour to take away, and destroy the property of the people, or to reduce them to slavery under arbitrary power, they put themselves into a state of war with the people, who are thereupon absolved from any farther obedience, and are left to the common refuge, which God hath provided for all men, against force and violence. Whensoever therefore the legislative shall transgress this fundamental rule of society; and either by ambition, fear, folly or corruption, endeavour to grasp themselves, or put into the hands of any other, an absolute power over the lives, liberties, and estates of the people; by this breach of trust they forfeit the power the people had put into their hands for quite contrary ends, and it devolves to the people, who have a right to resume their original liberty, and, by the establishment of a new legislative, (such as they shall think fit) provide for their own safety and security, which is the end for which they are in society.”
— John Locke, Second Treatise of Government, section 222.
Elective despotism
Richard Henry Lee letter to Samuel Adams, October 5, 1787:
The people of the United States “contended for free government in the fullest, clearest, and strongest sense. That they had no idea of being brought under despotic rule under the notion of “Strong government,” or in form of elective despotism: Chains being still Chains, whether made of gold or iron.” Jefferson, Notes on the State of Virginia, 1784:
“elective despotism is not the government we fought for”“It is not because a part of the government is elective that makes it less a despotism if the persons so elected possess afterwards… unlimited powers”
— Thomas Payne, The Rights of Man, chapter 4, 1791
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Notes on the State of Virginia, Query 19, 1787. Thomas Jefferson. In the paragraph starting at the bottom of page 290:
Why would he mention subservience?
Actions speak louder than words. Once you salute your new master you have acknowledged that you are the inferior, no longer equal.
Welcome to your Novus Ordo Seclorum secular new world order.
The words ballot and bullet are etymologically the same word. You have no right to dominate others with a ballot, or a bullet. Both are just as evil. We are endowed by our Creator with certain unalienable rights. You had no respect for the rights of others. By registering to vote, you declare that you want a chance to dominate others. You got what you wanted. You consented to be governed. You wanted a system of domination. By registering to vote, you consented to the outcome. Again: you got what you wanted.
Do you have a God-given right to be protected against the consequences of your acts? Do you have a right to be protected against God’s discipline? Which god protects you?
Maxim of Law:
Ex dolo malo non oritur actio.
He has invited what has come, and he must accept it.
The Supreme Court in U.S. v Cruikshank case, 92 U.S. at 551:
Those registered to vote agree to the outcome of the election, no matter how abhorrent.
If there is a bond issue on the ballot, then those who are registered to vote put up their real estate is collateral for the debt. Even after they sell their interest in the property to foreign buyers, the original collateral is subrogated until the bond is paid.
Those registered to vote are represented. They have entered society. Once represented Procurationem adversus nulla est proæscriptio. There is no prescription for procuration. If you are represented, then you cannot be damaged by your representative. Your submission must be a complete submission with the full understanding that you cannot be damaged by your representative.
Unreasoning mobs do not have authority.
Bouvier’s 1870 Law Dictionary, Vol 1, page 13 tells us that “The term republic, res publica, signifies the state independently of its form of government.” That’s right. The sovereign people are independent of the administrating governments in all republics. Freemen are free from civil authority. `Libera res publica’ (free from things public). In the Bible a Roman officer cannot arrest a Roman citizen according to Acts 22:27,29. Freemen are free from civil authority. However, the Roman law which still exists in America today also warns us that: “The civil laws reduce an ungrateful freedman to his original slavery” Libertinum ingratum leges civiles in pristinam servitutem redigunt.
In a democracy, which we have had since 1933, you can vote to plunder others while demanding benefits. You too can exercise your democratic rights to persecute others. But, you must suffer the consequences.
Every voter has agreed to abide by the outcome of the election, even if he finds it abhorrent. Governments’ derive their powers from the consent of the governed. You have consented to be governed. So you’ve agreed, by registering to vote, that any misguided majority determines your moral values. Even the Supreme Court in a voter discrimination case(92 US@551) said: “The citizen cannot complain, because he has voluntarily submitted himself to such a form of government.” Registered voters consent to be taxed. Conversely, there would be no taxation without representation. Memorize this legal maxim: “He who consents to an act is not damaged by it.” Did your government school teach this?
If you are a registered voter, you have consented to the results of the election. If an election passed a bond issue, then you agreed to have a lien on your property until the bond is paid, even if you didn’t vote.
Those with a conflict of interest will insist on dominating their neighbors.
`Conflict of interest’ is legal terminology for those who can influence a government decision to enrich themselves. This is not limited to Elected Officials or civil servants. Welfare partakers are, by voting, also influencing government to receive their check. Anyone who receives a government check, be it a paycheck or an entitlement check has a conflict of interest that morally prohibits them from voting. Voting becomes, for them, a government granted privilege that can be revoked at any time. On the other hand, Government’s sovereign masters have a right to control their servants. Jura Summi Imperii.
You are no longer in a Republic. Prove it to yourself. Ask yourself some questions: Can a majority of Congressmen, and a judge now conspire to take all your rights from you? Can a city government prohibit you from owning a dog unless you first beg for permission and pay a fee? Can you repair your front porch without begging for permit and paying a fee?
Democracy cannot be considered as a form of government. Although it starts as a form of government, it quickly dissolves into corruption. The moment a politician makes a promise, is the moment democracy ceases to be a form of government. To use a public office to grant favors to those who elect you is corruption. It is the very definition of corruption. Go look it up in a law dictionary. DEMOCRACY IS CORRUPTION. According to John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government section 222 the use of a public office to influence your electors will “cut up the government by the roots, and poison the very fountain of public security…”
Ben Franklin, closing speech at the Constitutional Convention, September 17, 1787:
“I agree to this Constitution with all its faults, if they are such; because I think a general Government necessary for us, and there is no form of Government but what may be a blessing to the people if well administered, and believe farther that this is likely to be well administered for a course of years, and can only end in Despotism, as other forms have done before it, when the people shall become so corrupted as to need despotic Government, being incapable of any other.”
Government exists to secure the blessings of liberty. Don’t claim to live in a free country if you have never seen liberty.
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Biblical reasons to reject Democracy
Actions speak louder than words. Nobody who claims to have Christ as King, can vote to create another lord-master-provider-protector. It would violate the first and second Commandments.
Government, as you know it today, is contrary to Christianity. Christians will not resist evil according to Christ Himself in Matthew 5:39. Today’s government exists by violence. Police, laws, courts, taxes, military and all other institutions of government exist by violent enforcement and threats of violence. They do NOT exist to protect your safety from violence. Do not worship any institutions as man-made (graven) idols.
Christians who obey Christ will not resist evil, and they love their enemies, according to Christ’s sermon on the mount. Christians will not resist evil offenders by violence. They will not participate in avenging national insults, criminal acts, nor personal offenders. The struggle against evil is not accomplished by violence or hatred.
Since the time of Christ up until Quakers were executed in Massachusetts in the 1650’s there were Christians who refused to register with the authorities. They would rather endure painful executions, such as burning at the stake, knowing that their orphans would be raised by their killers, than to swear oaths of allegiance. Christianity has not changed just because your church tells you to participate with authorities. The unchanging God of the Bible is not going to change.
Government today is a man made(graven)artificial entity, created by paperwork. Exodus 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image. Exodus 20:4 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image. Matthew 6:24: No man can serve two masters. The Hebrew word for gods in the first Commandment is ‘elohiym which can mean magistrates or judges. Thou shalt have no other judges ahead of the one true God.
Throughout history, when God’s chosen people turn their backs on Him, The God of the Bible always uses brutal pagans to take his people captive for centuries at a time. America is not going to be any different. America has the government it deserves.
God wants you to be a free soul under his authority. He does NOT want you to be tempted to rule your neighbors, nor be corrupted by the power to rule your neighbors, nor be subservient to your neighbors.
The LORD gave you a free will. Domination is the opposite. Quakers warned us that all forms of forced thought control (domination) is “… superstitions, will-worship, and abominable idolatry in the sight of God”. (Quaker Apology # 11). Paul confessed in Acts 26:10 that he executed Christians when he cast his ballot against them.
Democracy is this sin of coveting our neighbor’s goods, even a shoelace (Genesis 14:23), that separates us from the inheritance of the kingdom. Each man becomes a new tyrant to freedom and liberty, rejecting God and cursing our children with debt and teaching them to “receive the reward of unrighteousness… with covetous practices, cursed children”. [Second Peter 2:13-14]
Actions speak louder than words. You are a slave to whom you obey. (Romans 6:16).
Democracy killed Christ. “… persuaded the multitude that they should ask Barabbaas, and destroy Jesus.” Matthew 27:20. Pilate said publicly that he found no fault in Christ (Luke 23:4 & 14). Pilate publicly washed his hands to show that he had no jurisdiction, “saying, I am innocent of the blood of this just person: see ye to it” (Matthew 27:24) but the democracy executed Christ. Pilate liked Christ Jesus and kept trying to release him (Luke 23:20), but that did not matter; he did not dare act contrary to the will of the vast majority. Voters, by a voice vote, determined that Christ should be executed.
The Christian must not be of the worldly society. [a classic argument for Christians to not participate in society is Leo Tolstoy’s What I Believe published in Russia in 1884.]
You have a right to create any kind of political system, But, this time, you delegated to your servants a power to create gods/saviors/benefactors to provide for you, protect you and lord over you. Isn’t this the essence of creating (graven) false images of a god to be worshiped?
We did not have a government for the first ten books of the Bible. It is evil in the eyes of the Lord to elect a king. First Samuel 12:17.
The LORD Himself warned you in First Samuel 8:5-17 that government will tax, tax and tax until you cannot stand it (and back then it was just 10%). You were warned that your elected king would take, take, take until society collectively wants God back into their life, but God will not answer your prayers (God honored your free-will, you got what you wanted, stop complaining). First Samuel 8:18 “And you will cry out in that day because of your king whom you have chosen for yourselves, and the LORD will not hear you in that day.”
Exodus 23:2 Thou shalt not follow a multitude to do evil.
Christ delivered us from Caesar. Don’t return to this vomit. For having escaped the corruption of this world, to be entangled again you will be worse off than you were. Second Peter 2:20-22.
The same Paul who tells us in Romans 13 that all legitimate authority comes from God, tells us in First Corinthians 6:12 that he would not be brought under the power of any. He did not change his mind. He was not speaking of counterfeit government. Don’t pretend that counterfeit government is legitimate authority.
At the Last Supper, Christ bestowed upon us a kingdom. We received the kingdom Hebrews 12:28.
Matthew 6:33 seek ye first the kingdom of God. Luke 21:31.
Christ told us to not be like the pagan benefactors that rule over others. Luke 22:25.
1. Ignorantia juris quod quisque tenetur scire, neminem excusat. Ignorance of a law, which every one is bound to know, excuses no man.
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My ebook The Citizen Cannot Complain
My ebook Oaths: Mandatory or Voluntary?
My FREE book The Sign of Jonah: Christ’s only divine credential