
We start with bite-sized lessons on fundamental civics and ethics. And then build upon the fundamentals step-by-step, precept upon precept. Take one step at a time.

You cannot escape from slavery without knowing some fundamental rules. Every trip starts with the first step. You might want to plan your escape before the first step. Escaping socialism can have serious consequences — there are no public safety nets. You will need to have your own private safety network of your own people.

Take one step at a time.

If you don’t prepare, you will fail

You need to be deprogrammed from Socialist mindset.
Forced redistribution of wealth is not sustainable.

Freedom or slavery — Your choice

Rights only come with the responsibility to manage your own affairs.


yet  57% of the federal budget goes to individual welfare

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If your personal opinion is contrary to the above Constitutional facts, then quit now. You do not deserve freedom. Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you.

“If ye love wealth better than liberty, …  go home from us in peace. … Crouch down and lick the hands which feed you. May your chains set lightly upon you, and may posterity forget that ye were our countrymen.”
— Samuel Adams speech at the Philadelphia State House on August 1, 1776
(Sam Adams was a signer of the Declaration of Independence, cousin of President John Adams, and an activist at the Boston Tea Party)

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the U.S. has borrowed $561,000 per citizen to give you welfare that you wanted. It is not sustainable.  It must collapse.
And this debt does not include property damage, looting, court costs, and prisons — costs of ungrateful entitlement-seekers who refuse to manage their own affairs.


HOW CAN WELFARE BE CONSTITUTIONAL? Answer: because it is foreign.
Later, in lesson 6, you will learn that you used the Expatriation Act to “promptly and finally” change your citizenship.

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Rights only come with responsibility to manage your own affairs. But you didn’t want responsibility. Therefore, you cannot have freedom.

“They came empty-handed, with nothing but some vague promise of freedom, which, in their simple-mindedness and innate responsibility, men cannot even conceive and which they fear and dread, for there has never been anything more difficult for man and for human society to bear than freedom.
I tell you once more that man has no more pressing, agonizing need to find someone to whom he can hand over as quickly as possible the gift of freedom…”
— Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Brothers Karamazov, Chapter 5, The Grand Inquisitor

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GOVERNMENT ENTICEMENT IS A SNARE THAT WILL TRAP YOU. We have known this for three millennia.

If you confess that you cannot manage your own affairs, others will manage you. You don’t deserve freedom.

1952 book The Devil’s Advocate by Taylor Caldwell:
“What manner of men had lived in those days…who had so eagerly surrendered their sovereignty for a lie and a delusion? Why had they been so anxious to believe that the government could solve problems for them which had been pridefully solved, many times over, by their fathers? Had their characters become so weak and debased, so craven and emasculated, that offers of government dole had become more important than their liberty and their humanity? Had they not know that power delegated to the government becomes the club of tyrants? They must have known. They had their own history to remember, and the history of five thousand years. Yet, they had willingly and knowingly, with all this knowledge, declared themselves unfit to manage their own affairs and had placed their lives, which belonged to God only, in the hands of sinister men who had long plotted to enslave them, by wars, by “directives,” by “emergencies.” In the name of the American people, the American people had been made captive.”

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“… it is proved that Government cannot satisfy one party without adding to the labor of the others, until I can obtain another definition of the word Government I feel authorized to give it my own. Who knows but it may obtain the prize? Here it is: “Government is the great fiction through which everybody endeavors to live at the expense of everybody else.”
— Frederic Bastiat, essay titled “The State,” written in 1848

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“Since well before 1787, liberty has been understood as freedom from government action, not entitlement to government benefits. The Framers created our Constitution to preserve that understanding of liberty. ”
— Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, dissenting opinion in Obergefell v. Hodges




Social, Economic & Political Consequences

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Paupers are people supported at public expense. The Articles of Confederation say they have no rights of citizenship. Neither do fugitives. (see Article 4)

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Loss Of Individual Liberty

Understand legalities — 14th AMENDMENT CITIZENS are wards of the government
Social Security is socialism.




DO NOT COVET. If civilized society will not covet your neighbor’s wealth, why does today’s society use the IRS and DOJ force and violence to fund their welfare programs??

  • Is it wrong for those in authority to lie and take peoples’ stuff?
  • Is it wrong to carelessly repeat lies and take people’s stuff?
  • Where do you get the idea that you can live more comfortably at the expense of people whose wealth is extracted by force and violence?
  • Just try not paying your government’s criminal street gang for other people’s socialist benefits. People who do not want to support forced wealth distribution, will have their salaries forcibly garnished, homes seized and auctioned off, bank accounts seized, liens on everything they own taken from them, by the force and violence of your criminal street gang?
  • Paying taxes for welfare programs is not charity
  • Teddy Roosevelt first requisite of a good citizen




  • Depart From Iniquity (Second Timothy 2:19)
  • Be Ye Separate (Second Corinthians 6:17)
  • Be Not Partakers (Revelation 18:4)
  • Be Not Conformed To This World (Romans 12:2)

None of these are possible for people who is trying, with a vote or a gun, to force perverted values on others, or to exercise dominion, or to force others to provide entitlements for themselves.

Millions of Americans are actively involved in destroying property rights of their fellow Americans. They believe that they are righteous in using government force and violence to redistribute your wealth to make themselves more comfortable.


“And say, finally, whether peace is best preserved by giving energy to the government or information to the people. This last is the most certain and the most legitimate engine of government. Educate and inform the whole mass of the people. Enable them to see that it is their interest to preserve peace and order, and they will preserve them. And it requires no very high degree of education to convince them of this. They are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty.”
— Thomas Jefferson letter to James Madison, 1787.


Warning — Cognitive dissonance
Warning — there is no social compact theory




Dan Smoot, former FBI agent, journalist, and publisher of The Smoot Report, warned us about a communist takeover:

“To resist a tyranny, you must be independent of that tyranny for your subsistence. If the government provides your food, your clothing, your shelter, your education, your job, your medical care, your retirement, then the government controls you most effectively indeed.”








“It is only when the people become ignorant and corrupt, when they degenerate into a populace, that they are incapable of exercising the sovereignty…The people themselves become the willing instruments of their own debasement and ruin. Let us, then, look to the great cause, and endeavor to preserve it in full force. Let us by all wise and constitutional measures promote intelligence among the people as the best means of preserving our liberties.”
— James Monroe’s first inaugural address in 1817