Wetland regulations must now become more reasonable due to the recent Supreme Court ruling.
The EPA was wrong. The Supreme Court is right. Land is not water.
Five years ago, I wrote an essay on how wacko our water rights are.
Three years ago, I wrote an essay on how absurd and cruel the EPA is on regulating wetlands.
But last week, the Supreme Court did the right thing. Here are some links:
EPA’s authority over wetlands is at stake as justices wade back into regulatory morass
Something is fishy in the U.S. fishing industry

U.S. v. Burlington, etc., Ferry Co. (1884) 21 Fed. Rep.334.
“Constitution and statutes must concur. …
In order to give jurisdiction to a federal court in any case whatever, the Constitution and the statute law must concur. It is not sufficient that the jurisdiction may be found in the Constitution or the law. The two must co-operate; the Constitution as the fountain, and the law of Congress as the streams from which and through which the waters of jurisdiction flow to the court”.