Expatriation Act promptly and finally disavowed your State allegiance

Once you apply for a federal benefit, such as an SSN*, you “promptly and finally disavowed” any State allegiance — according to the Expatriation Act.

  • You are then a federal citizen living in one of the 50 states. (unless you happen to live in a territory). You became non-resident alien to the federal jurisdiction.
  • You changed your citizenship by getting a SSN. You knew that “all men are created equal” was a status that State Citizens had, but you did not want to be equal. You wanted to be an alien.

finally disavowed” — in other words, once you volunteer you cannot expatriate from the federal prison. Although there might be loopholes. Can you repay all benefits you have received?

The day before the 14th Amendment was ratified in July 1868, Congress enacted the Expatriation Act to warn States that they cannot interfere with people who voluntarily expatriate from States. The law (attached — chapter 249 starts near the bottom of page 223) uses the term “foreign states” to include States of the Union. (whereas domestic states are the territories, such as District of Columbia and Virgin Islands and Puerto Rico). People expatriate from States by availing themselves of a foreign covering. Such as accepting federal welfare benefits. Just like Esau, they sold their birthright for a bowl of stew. I will discuss covering (Capitis Diminutio) and forfeiting birthrights in future lessons.

The lower-case c citizen was created by the Expatriation Act.

Do not misread the Expatriation Act. The Act says: “This claim of foreign allegiance should be promptly and finally disavowed:…”
Once you expatriate from the [foreign to the federal government] State of the Union by seeking federal benefits, your allegiance to the foreign State of the Union is “promptly and finally disavowed” This is why the U.S. is one of the two countries on the globe that taxes their citizens wherever they are located.

You are a non-resident alien according to the income tax law. See my lesson on you changed your citizenship.

The federal congress does not make laws for State Citizens.  The Federal Congress only writes laws for their people.

The Supreme Court tells us that the rules of statute construction allow the federal government to write laws for their people.

“The canon of construction which teaches that legislation of Congress, unless a contrary intent appears, is meant to apply only within the territorial jurisdiction of the United States”
— US Supreme Court in Foley Brothers v. Filardo, 336 U.S. 281

State Citizens (capital C Citizens) are alien to the federal laws (except for the three crimes mentioned in the Constitution).


* SSNs are only issued to an “applicant for or recipient of benefits under any program financed in whole or in part by Federal funds” according to The Social Security Act, Section 205(c)(2)(B)(i)(II).