Many people blame Corporatocracy for their own problems. Corporations are 14th Amendment citizens for the same reason that you are a 14th Amendment citizen. The reason is that you both wanted federal benefits that are available only to artificial entities. Don’t blame corporations for taking benefits from the same daddy that you took benefits.
Prerequisites to understanding this essay: Read my essay on Martial Law in America to understand that Martial Law is what authorizes the welfare benefits you get as a ward of the federal government. Here…
In the United States all corporate and individual personhood will end when martial law ends. YOUR personhood — which was voluntary — exists only under the martial law rule imposed after the Civil War. There are four types of martial law: Military law, Military government, martial law proper, martial law rule. The United States has been under marital law rule ever since the Civil War ended. Presidents perpetuate it by continuing to renew national emergencies.
That’s right, you are subject to federal laws because you voluntarily submitted yourself to such a form of government.
Your natural birth did not voluntarily submit yourself. What did you sign to submit yourself to legalities you did not understand?
Once you consent to be governed, you cannot have standing in any court to redress grievances.
The Blame Game.
“All the evils, abuses, and iniquities, popularly ascribed to businessmen and to capitalism, were not caused by an unregulated economy or by a free market, but by government intervention into the economy. The giants of American industry—such as James Jerome Hill or Commodore Vanderbilt or Andrew Carnegie or J. P. Morgan—were self-made men who earned their fortunes by personal ability, by free trade on a free market. But there existed another kind of businessmen, the products of a mixed economy, the men with political pull, who made fortunes by means of special privileges granted to them by the government, such men as the Big Four of the Central Pacific Railroad. It was the political power behind their activities—the power of forced, unearned, economically unjustified privileges—that caused dislocations in the country’s economy, hardships, depressions, and mounting public protests. But it was the free market and the free businessmen that took the blame.”
— Ayn Rand, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, page 51
Daddy Government
Corporations are persons for the same reason that you are a ward of the government. You have the same daddy. Daddy government. An old term parens patriæ includes all forms of parental authority over their wards. The right to protect, punish, guide decisions, and provide for the needs of their wards. And includes mommy government too. Including nurturing functions of health care, counseling, social behavior modification, CPS custody of the state’s children, etc.
1. The word Persons is plural. But the English language plural of the word person is people, not persons. This is because People are not persons. We the People created a government. Government did not create people. God creates people. (or as Blackstone so eloquently stated: “Neither could any other law possibly exist; for … we are all equal, without any other superior but him who is the author of our being.”) Government creates persons. (two levels of abstraction inferior to the people who are masters of the Government they created).
Government only deals with persons, not people.
2. People suffer a biological birth, and are recorded in their father’s family Bible. Persons are created by paperwork recorded in their author’s records. A government birth certificate does not create a human child, but IT DOES create a person — at least in the government’s reasoning, but not in the English language. For example: corporations are “persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof”
Corporations are artificial entities. After the 14th Amendment the few — less than one percent — of the freed slaves who availed themselves of federal benefits offered by the freedman’s bureau became responsible for their artificial entities.
Corporations wanted to become 14th Amendment persons so they would have uniform treatment in all State courts. So they made this happen (9 Fed. Stat. Anno. 424 — see the Black’s Law Dictionary partial definition of persons).

“That corporations are, in law, for civil purposes, deemed persons, is unquestionable.”
— US Supreme Court, 201 U.S. 43, at page 86
American Law and Procedure, Vol 13 (1910):
Page 137 ”This word `person’ and its scope and bearing in the law, involving, as it does, legal fictions and also apparently natural beings, it is difficult to understand; but it is absolutely necessary to grasp, at whatever cost, a true and proper understanding to the word in all the phases of its proper use … A person is here not a physical or individual person, but the status or condition with which he is invested… not an individual or physical person, but the status, condition or character borne by physical persons… The law of persons is the law of status or condition.”
Page 162 “A moments reflection enables one to see that man and person cannot be synonymous, for there cannot be an artificial man, though there are artificial persons. Thus the conclusion is easily reached that the law itself often creates an entity or a being which is called a person; the law cannot create an artificial man, but it can and frequently does invest him with artificial attributes; this is his personality… the man-person; and abstract persons, which are fiction and which have no existence except in law; that is to say, those which are purely legal conceptions or creations.”
U.S. Supreme Court in State Tax Commission of Utah v. Aldrich, 316 U.S. 174, 187:
“Today’s new rule emphasizes the dominance of the corporation, a creature of the legal imagination. [Foot Note 2]…” [Foot Note 2] “A corporation is defined by John Marshall as “An artificial being, invisible, intangible, and existing only in contemplation of law.’ Trustees of Dartmouth College v. Woodward, 4 Wheat. 518, 636. The New York Court of Appeals has said: ‘A corporation, however, is a mere conception of the legislative mind, it exists only on paper through the command of the Legislature that its mental conception shall be clothed with power.’ People v. Knapp 206 NY 373, 381, 99 NE 841, 844”
YOU get the same benefits that corporations do, therefore you have no right to complain.
YOU get to declare bankruptcy because YOU are a ward of the government. In the olden days NO ONE had a right to declare bankruptcy. We were forced to pay our debts.
Under the law-of-the-land creditors had absolute control over the debtors and could place them in debtors prison. Jails were for the people to use. The jailer had to obey the people. Courts could not get involved in lawful private confinement — courts could NOT issue a writ of habeas corpus to free the prisoner (according to the 1876 law textbook on Habeas Corpus by Roland C. Hurd). In 1818 a seventy year old man was kept in jail for four years in Massachusetts for a debt of eight dollars. From June 6th 1829 to February 24th 1830 the City of Philadelphia had imprisoned 817 persons for debt non-payment, of whom 80 were committed for debts of one dollar or less.
Nowadays, while we are under martial law rule, government wards can only be imprisoned as an absconding debtor.
Bankruptcy (the kind mentioned in the Constitution) is only for governments that cannot go broke. And for artificial entities incorporated into government. Artificial entities (at least sovereign artificial entities) have a right to continue under new management. In the United States today, only people with a Social Security Number can declare bankruptcy. There is a reason for this. The individual is not bankrupt, but his person is bankrupt. His person is an artificial person that the real person agreed to manage. YOU are responsible for an artificial person just as a board of directors is responsible for its corporation. The government knows YOU only by your all-capitalized artificial entity. Whereas a proper noun is your real name.
Unless you become government ward (like most people have) then no state can impair the obligation of contracts. If government documents show your name as an all capitalized name, then you are an artificial entity that can declare bankruptcy. You are a slave that cannot own property. All your assets are government assets.
Every Law Dictionary will tell you “The civil laws reduce an ungrateful freedman to his original slavery” Libertinum ingratum leges civiles in pristinam servitutem redigunt.
That’s right you have no right to complain. You have no standing in any court.
Back when we were a free country, rights had responsibilities. Pacta servanta sunt, Agreements Must Be Kept. Justice was served.

John Philpot Curran, speech of July 10, 1790: “The common fate of the indolent to see their rights become a prey to the active. The condition upon which God hath given liberty to man is eternal vigilance; which condition if he break, servitude is at once the consequence of his crime and the punishment of his guilt.”
And now it is the opposite. The indolent (lazy) vote to prey on the active. You get to covet thy neighbor’s wealth (prey on the active – receive gov’t benefits) because we you neglected our duty to be ever vigilant. Servitude is your punishment.
John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government paragraph 222 warned us that when government officers corrupt society, the result is “to cut up the government by the roots, and poison the very fountain of public security…”. You should have listened.
When the U.S. defaults on the national debt, you will be held to pay the debt that your representatives incurred in your name. The concentration camps are already setup.
YOU gave up your right to liberty to obtain the same corporatocracy benefits.
Human rights are not civil rights. We are endowed by our creator with certain unailenable rights. Wards are endowed by government with civil privileges which are alienable — they can be taken away.
Slaves only have whatever civil rights they are granted by government. The Supreme Court in a 1875 case concerning the discrimination and killing of freed slaves (Cruikshank, 92 US 542) said: “The same person may be at the same time a citizen of the United States and a citizen of a State, but his rights of citizenship under one of these governments will be different from those he has under the other. … The citizen cannot complain, because he has voluntarily submitted himself to such a form of government.” That’s right. The U.S. Supreme Court says that the citizen cannot complain. YOU voluntarily submitted. It was not your birth that submitted you to the federal government, it was your signature.
The most sacred of your liberties is gone. That’s right. Government guards your freedom until you, through lack of interest, submit to the robber barons, then your most sacred of liberties will be taken from you.
Robertson v. Department of Public Works 180 Wash 133, 39 P2d 596 (1934): “If, through lack of interest, the people submit, then they may look to see the most sacred of their liberties taken from them one by one by more or less rapid encroachment.”
The “most sacred of liberties” of which Justice Tolman spoke was personal liberty. The definition of personal liberty is:
16 C.J.S., Constitutional Law, Sect.202, p.987 “Personal liberty, or the Right to enjoyment of life and liberty, is one of the fundamental or natural Rights, which has been protected by its inclusion as a guarantee in the various constitutions, which is not derived from, or dependent on, the U.S. Constitution, which may not be submitted to a vote and may not depend on the outcome of an election. It is one of the most sacred and valuable Rights, as sacred as the Right to private property … and is regarded as inalienable.”
For more information read my book The Citizen Cannot Complain, and my book Oaths: Mandatory or Voluntary?
That’s right. Corporations are government created persons, born in the United States. Your all capitalized name on your birth certificate and ID cards is not a proper noun. In the English language, it is not even the name of a person, place or thing. But it was born in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof.
According to Black’s Law Dictionary corporations are persons within the 14th Amendment “persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof”
Fictitious names exist for a purpose. Fictions are invented to give courts jurisdiction. Snider v. Newellm, 44 SE 354. That’s right. Corporations are fictions created by government, even foreign governments. Persons are also fictions created by government. However, real Christians, being non-fiction, were protected against the courts. They governed themselves. UNTIL they consented to be governed.
The Supreme Court in Rundle v. Delaware & Raritan Canal 55 U.S. 80 at page 98 not only stated that corporations are “artificial, incorporeal, theoretical, and invisible creations,” it even called them “a mere creature of the mind, invisible and intangible,”.
Federal Tribunals were constituted under Article I section 8 clause 9 with criminal jurisdiction over State Citizens for the three crimes mentioned in the Constitution. There is no constitutional authority State Citizen’s civil cases (later confirmed by the 11th Amendment). The 1789 Judiciary Act section 25, 1 Stat. 85, created inferior federal tribunals and left civil cases exclusively to state courts. Appeal to federal courts was possible only if there was an issue of Constitutionality, or treaty rights. There was therefore no recourse for corporations who wanted to operate across state borders, until corporations became 14th Amendment citizens.
After the 14th Amendment: Corporations were still artificial entities, but so were the freed slaves who accepted federal benefits. So corporations wanted to become 14th Amendment persons so they would have uniform treatment in all State courts. So they made this happen (9 Fed. Stat. Anno. 424) — see the Black’s Law Dictionary partial definition of persons, above.