Steven Miller
originally answered November 15, 2018
Why are U.S. citizens the property of the United States government?
Answer 1: The Supreme Court in the Cruikshank case, 92 US 542 at 551:
“It is the natural consequence of a citizenship which owes allegiance to two sovereignties, and claims protection from both. The citizen cannot complain, because he has voluntarily submitted himself to such a form of government.”
By the way, your natural birth did not voluntarily submit yourself to such a form of government. I’ve written extensively on this topic. Getting an SSN is what voluntarily submitted yourself.
Answer 2: Involuntary servitude is illegal, Voluntary servitude is what you agreed to when applying for a passport. This presumes an oath of Allegiance Title 22 US Code 212 *. And now the Real ID Act ** driver licenses of most states do the same thing.
The Oath of Allegiance is defined by Homeland Security in their Title 8, Code of Federal Regulations, section 337*** as a commitment:
“… I will perform work of national importance under civilian direction when required by the law; and that I take this obligation freely without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; so help me God”
Repayment of the National Debt is “work of national importance”. Your forced slavery in work camps is what you agreed to.
The thirteenth amendment prohibits involuntary servitude. But you volunteered. You agreed. Perpetual slavery 24 hours a day is what you agreed to when you claim to be a citizen. Now all they need is a law to force your labor to pay the national debt.
Well, guess what. The laws already exist.
Every Law Dictionary will tell you that Libertinum ingratum leges civiles in pristinam servitutem redigunt. “The civil laws reduce an ungrateful freedman to his original slavery” Maybe you think this law does not apply to you. Maybe you think that you are not a slave. Think again.
And don’t think that concentration camps will not exist. A copy of the U.S. Army Field Manual FM 3-39.40 INTERNMENT AND RESETTLEMENT OPERATIONS is available at… (No, this is not for foreign refugee camps, notice the requirement for Social Security Numbers in paragraph 7-16 — and don’t miss the term “reeducation” in chapter 8 and Appendix K).
Answer 3: Kitchens v. Steel, 112 F.Supp 383: “A citizen of the United States is a citizen of the federal government” — Yes indeed, a citizen owes work of national importance, and U.S. citizens are the property of the United States government.
For more information read my book The Citizen Cannot Complain.
Answer 4: By applying for federal benefits, such as an SSN, your allegiance to your State government, and it’s duty to protect you from the federal government, is “promptly and finally disavowed” according to the Expatriation Act.
For more details read my book Consent to be Governed.
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*** (link:
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