It was 233 years ago today that the Constitution was signed at Philadelphia.
We have fallen far since then. Now 34% of Americans cannot name even one branch of government. And they vote. Do not be discouraged by ignorant voters.
And DO NOT BE FOOLED by wacko politicians who want to play god.
The U.S. government’s authority is delegated only by the U.S. Constitution.
“The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.”
Tenth Amendment
The U.S. government has no authority beyond what was delegated to it. No other source can delegate any authority to government. Voters and legislators cannot change the pre-existing authority into something of their own choosing. Legislators swore an oath of office to faithful uphold the Supreme Law. They cannot use parliamentary procedure to agree to commit mutiny.
Can the blessings of Liberty be restored?
It is NOT a natural order of society to live under a centralized government.
It IS the natural order of society to live under the laws of nature and of Nature’s God. Governments are instituted among men to secure these unalienable Creator-endowed natural rights.
- We did not have a central government for the first ten books of the Bible. We had family (patriarchal) government that ruled by love, not a central government that ruled by force, fear and violence. Electing a King was evil in the eyes of the Lord (First Samuel 12:17).
- Christ, at the last supper, told his apostles that they were not to rule like the princes who take orders to a top-down organization as benefactors. Not so among you. (Luke 22).
What government was like in a free country.
- When the first States wrote their Constitutions, Liberty was freedom from all known methods of compulsion. And government was instituted among men to secure these rights. To secure the blessings of liberty. [If this does not describe YOUR government, find out why].
- In 1799 Vice President Jefferson told the people of Kentucky that they were subject to only three federal laws (the three crimes mentioned in the Constitution) and no other federal crimes whatsoever.
- 101 years ago, in 1919, we were debating a prohibition amendment. Everyone in America knew that we needed a Constitutional Amendment to ban a substance, right here in a country where Cocoa-Cola had cocaine and you could order Opium from the Sears Catalog.
- If you need help to imagine what life was like in a free country, read my essay How to Recognize Freedom when You See It.
If the Constitution cannot be changed by liberal wackos, then we can still use the law-of-the-land to secure the blessings of liberty.
Before we investigate the possibilities, let’s find out why we are now enslaved.
- Our first mistake was to create a government to manage our responsibilites for us. The laws of nature and of nature’s God require us to manage our own affairs and protect our neighbors. But we didn’t want these responsibilities, so we created government to manage our affairs and protect our neighbors. Unfortunately, rights only come with responsibilities.
- Our second mistake was to allow constitutors to constitute governments, thereby becoming surety for their debts. But this did not apply to most people, it applied to State governments. At least until we became part of the federal government. “a citizen of the United States is a citizen of the federal government” – Kitchens v. Steel, 112 F.Supp 383.
- Our third mistake was to avail ourselves of federal benefits, thereby jumping into their venue and jurisdiction.
Bullies will bully.
Do not be fooled by Liberals who want to play god. They want you to believe that the Constitution can be changed to anything we vote for.
And do not be fooled by the 21st Amendment cancelling the 18th Amendment. The Amendments that say Congress shall enforce the Amendment (13, 14, 15, 18, 19, 23, 24, 26) are enforced by the U.S. Congress even if they are contrary to State Constitutions. They are NOT self-enforced as part of the Supreme Law of the Land which judges in every State are bound thereby (Article 6, second paragraph). [If this does not describe your government, find out why.]
Societies created State governments by writing their Constitutions. They delegate specific duties to their future civil servants for their society’s purposes. — And nobody else. Only those participating in their political society were subject to their laws and protected by their laws. Natives, foreigners, and tourists remain subject to the Laws of Nature. They are outside the venue of government. And criminals, paupers, vagabonds and fugitives lose their political rights, if they had any.
State governments are artificial entities created on paper (often called a compact, charter or constitution) by representatives of society. Then people who want to be inferior to the artificial entity will swear oaths-of-office to perform the delegated (by their constitution) duties of the artificial entity.
U.S. Government authority is ONLY delegated by the Constitution. (the tenth Amendment says so, as does the U.S. Supreme Court, quoted later) It cannot change. Nobody who swears an oath to uphold something can commit mutiny by suggesting that it be changed. Article 5 only allows amendments TO, not OF, the constitution.
- There is no other authority. Laws that are passed must conform to their oaths-of-office.
- It is a crime to fraudulently induce a legislator to falsify a bill to change something he has no authority to change.
People in the federal territories wrote their constitutions to free themselves from federal jurisdiction. [see quote from Vice President Thomas Jefferson, later]. The Federal Government does not control the people. People in the states have no dealings with the federal government. They are protected by their States from all known methods of compulsion.
YOU are not subject to any federal laws until you volunteer. Don’t volunteer.
The U.S. Government’s sovereignty is from “We The People” who wrote the Constitution. It extends to the furthest limit of the authority delegated by the U.S. Constitution, to the actors who swear oaths-of-office to be the subordinates. And no further. “We The People” delegated to them the 18 things they were allowed to do. These are enumerated in Article 1, section 8.
Sovereignty is not from government.
- US Supreme Court in Yick Wo v. Hopkins, 118 US 356, page 370: “While sovereign powers are delegated to … the government, sovereignty itself remains with the people..”
- US Supreme Court in Julliard v. Greenman: 110 US 421: “there is no such thing as a power of inherent sovereignty in the government of the United States. It is a government of delegated powers, supreme within its prescribed sphere, but powerless outside of it. In this country, sovereignty resides in the people, and congress can exercise no power which they have not, by their constitution, intrusted to it; all else is withheld.”
- Under our Constitution, in 1798, Vice President Thomas Jefferson reassured the people of Kentucky that they were free from all federal laws, except for the three crimes mentioned in the Constitution, “and no other crimes whatever”. He went on to say “(and all other their acts which assume to create, define, or punish crimes other than those enumerated in the Constitution) are altogether void and of no force, and that the power to create, define, and punish such other crimes is reserved, and of right appertains solely and exclusively to the respective States, each within its own Territory.”
- We are all created equal. Equals have no duty to obey other equals. Equals would never salute another equal. Equals would never swear oaths to other equals. We are all created equal. We remain equal until we swear oaths (under penalty of perjury) to a superior.
- We are born free. With Creator-endowed unalienable rights. Governments are instituted among men to secure those unalienable rights. We are born with the three rights of all mankind. These rights could never be “required by the laws of society to be sacrificed to public convenience … ” The preservation of these rights, inviolate, secured the preservation of civilized society (according to the introduction to the 1769 book Blackstone’s Commentaries on the Law, Book 4 — this link is to an 1803 revision that includes American law.) READ IT.
- If you were to actually read what our rights were when the States wrote their constitutions you would notice The purpose of government was to protect your God-given (Creator-endowed) free will from all known methods of compulsion.
- Abraham Lincoln, in his First Inaugural Address, told us that whenever citizens “grow weary of the existing government, they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it, or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it.” If you don’t understand why a president would tell citizens they need a revolution to overthrow government, then you do not understand sovereignty. You have been blinded by lies.
- Andrew Jackson survived three duels BEFORE we elected him as President. His campaign slogan was “the common man”. It is a constitutional right for a common man to settle his disputes without government. Government cannot interfere. Yes, the common voter, living in liberty, respects a man who risks death defending his honor. In a free nation, Andrew Jackson earned enough respect to be elected as a defender of everyone’s honor.
If you need further proof from the Supreme Court that the U.S. Constitution cannot change, read my essay.
We the people are the jura summi imperii to which our civil servants owe allegiance. Those who created a government are responsible for controlling what they create. This authority was passed to you, but you didn’t want it. You actively rejected the authority. Your actions speak louder than your words.
If you want to learn more about how to defend your rights in court, I recommend an online law course.
If you want to learn more about how you forfeited your rights, read my book The Citizen Cannot Complain.