Delegated Authority Essay

Delegated Authority
by Steven Miller

Is government your agent? Or is government your master?

Once you take a government benefit, you now have a master. You’ve confessed that you cannot manage your own affairs in life. All men are created equal. Don’t volunteer to be subordinate. Don’t worship a manmade (graven) lord – provider – protector -master.

Delegated Authority — Part 1 (Link)
The U.S. government is delegated authority.

The 10th Amendment says so, as do many Supreme Court cases. The authors of the Constitution did NOT delegate any authority that they themselves did not have. So how did created-equal citizens of “We The People” get any authority to delegate control over others — such as taxing their neighbors’ wealth, or canceling marriages, or restricting commerce, or make zoning restrictions, or requiring you to purchase ID credentials, or taxing property or inheritance?  Answer: They didn’t. (Link)

Delegated Authority — Part 2 (Link)
Did you voluntarily forfeit your rights?

“We The People” who wrote the Constitution, held the truth that all men are created equal.
“We The People” created a government and delegated to their subordinate civil servants the 18 things they would be authorized to do (Article 1, section 8). In turn, government authority controls their inferiors.
Officers of government take an oath-of-office to become inferior to “We The People”. They consent to be governed.
Once they swear an oath to uphold it, they cannot commit mutiny to change it.
If you want to remain equal, — Don’t volunteer to be inferior to the society that created government, who also have a duty to control the creature they inherited. (Link)

Delegated Authority — Part 3 (Link)
The Constitution does not change.

Reinterpreting the words of the Constitution is dangerous. George Washington called reinterpreting a Weapon that will destroy free governments. The founding generation gave us a consistent legal meaning that doesn’t change over time.

Delegated authority — Part 4 (Link)

The created equal Citizens of “We The People” that created government DID NOT delegate to their government any authority that they themselves did not have. So, How did “We The People” delegate to their subordinate civil servants any authority that they themselves did not have?

Delegated Authority — Part 5 (Link)

Usurpation is mutiny against the sovereignty of the people.
Reinterpreting the words of the Constitution is dangerous.

Government Overreach
“We The People” now means nothing to the civil servants who swore oaths to obey our Constitution

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