Author Profile

I’m Steven D. Miller.  I wrote every page on this website.  Join me in pondering the many lies that enslave us. These are lessons for a free America. I have questioned the standard narratives for three decades and I have warned you about deception for two decades.  I intend to guide you to the truth and warn you away from unfounded theories that have destroyed others. I will correct any errors you may find here.

Originally posted on the Internet in 1999 as a collection of articles exposing immoral laws, this work has been expanded to include historical context, ethics fundamentals, and background notes.

I was once fooled by government.

Many people are cunningly deceived into waiving their rights.  Out of their respect for what appear to be laws they become snared into waiving their God-given rights by legalities they don’t understand.

Throughout history, pagan governments have enslaved societies when they forgot their moral responsibilities.  Abraham had to deliver us from Babylon.  Moses was sent to deliver us from Pharaoh.  Christ was sent to deliver us from Roman Martial law.

Our greed has now ensnared us back into the grip of Caesar.  Roman laws have returned as the law-of-the-land for those who forfeit their rights.1 But this time around the Lord will not free you from the counterfeit government you worship.2

  • I have been interested the topic of freedom in America for the past 30+ years. I love freedom.
  • I’ve heard many people claiming that laws were unconstitutional, but that nothing could be done about it. So why cannot anything be done about it? — After all the Supreme Court told us that a law repugnant to the Constitution was null and void.
  • I found that writing about freedom in a logical way forced me to confront the fact that I had waived my rights.
  • My mother was Quaker.  Quakers believe that everyone has a God-given free-will.
  • America was founded to secure these blessings of liberty.

I was just like you, I was a natural born Citizen and I was taught to believe that the Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all privileges and immunities of everyone else. Just like it says in the U.S. Constitution. Until I found out that I was fooled into waiving my rights.

Then I spent thirty years researching how I was tricked into waiving my rights.

It turns out that ignorance of a law, which every one is bound to know, excuses no man.  Had American children learned of their heritage, we would have kept our rights.  We would not have been fooled by anyone.  We would have stood up to the bullies.3

Join me in pondering the legalities that have ensnared us.

It turns out that the unchanging God of the Bible has unchanging laws.  The divine laws of a merciful and just God have remained the same. Rights only come with responsibilities.  You have a divine responsibility to avoid deception, just like Eve.

Just like you, I was fooled4 by government. Out of respect for what appeared to be law, I lost all my rights when I was tricked by legalities that I didn’t understand. I learned the hard lesson that it was my fault for being deceived. I came to realize that we were warned about deceptions throughout history. Bible prophecy predicts deceptions in the endtimes.  Deceptions so great that insomuch if it were possible, shall deceive even the very elect. If they continue, no flesh shall be saved.

Those who receive not a love for the truth shall receive strong delusion that they should believe a lie. Had we followed the commands of Christ, we would not have been tricked out of our rights.  Principalities and powers in high places twist the laws of God to trick us into mutiny against legitimate powers.

My books and essays focus on lordship, ethics, and consequences of mutiny.

My books and essays are intended for those who realize that they are enslaved just like the Bible said you would be, and made merchandise and cursed just like Peter said you would be.

These United States were founded on the divine laws of nature and of nature’s God. Then we exchanged these laws for the laws of men. Then, the U.S. government was surrendered to the same brutal Roman law that Christ delivered us from.

First Samuel 8:18 — You will cry out in that day because of the King you have chosen, and the LORD will not hear you in that day.

I am not an attorney. I do not give legal advice.  But I give my opinions about the legalities that I have studied.
If you want legal advice, seek legal advice from your lawgiver.

1. Just like Esau, you sold your birthright for a bowl of stew. God hated Esau (Romans 9:13, Malachi 1:3). Paul repeated David’s warning (Psalm 69:22) that government benefactors would be a snare to trap you; Romans 11:9.
2. Corban nullifies the word of God (Mark 7). Christ commanded us NOT to be like government benefactors that rule over others (Luke 22:25-26).
3. All societies throughout history have had a few brave people who died standing against evil.
4. A fool is someone who is easily deceived. Just as it was when Adam and Eve were sentenced for the crime of being deceived — universal law still makes it punishable by death. Christ warned us that falsely accusing someone of the crime of being a fool has severe consequences (Matthew 5:22). Do not be fooled. Repent. Stop getting your religion from those who seek to enslave you.