The Authority Deceptions
Throughout the history of mankind, usurpers of legitimate governments bestow themselves with power. Learn to confront their mutiny.
A counterfeit is a close copy of an original. Learn to recognize the original if you see it. But don’t fall for counterfeit government, credentials, laws, or judicial process. Don’t be fooled — learn the authority deceptions.
CIVICS is no longer taught in public schools. We have been deceived about our civic duties ever since 1787.
Here is a civics course in five pages. A must-read for homeschoolers near age 18.
After more than two centuries of deception, we now have no concept of our responsibility to control our civil servants. And our duty to avoid deception.
The Constitution requires a balanced budget.
This essay explains the forgotten history of direct taxes.
The Constitution does not change.
The U.S. Constitution is not a living document.
Here is my full explanation of why we cannot vote to change a Constitutionally limited government. First, it is because congress cannot vote to commit mutiny. Secondly, all laws repugnant to the Constitution are null and void from their inception.