Lawyers’ make constant redefinitions of the term “License”, until we no longer have citizens, only subjects . License started out as tolerance of sin, then evolved into forbidding sin or permitting sin, then into regulating sinful commercial acts, and ended up as a form of servitude.
Alexis de Tocqueville, Democracy in America, Vol. 1, Part 1, Chapter 5:
“Thus one finds them ever wavering between servitude and license. When a nation has reached this point, it must either change its laws and mores or perish, for the well of public virtue has run dry: in such a place one no longer finds citizens but only subjects.”
Before we can understand licensing of licentiousness, we need to understand why commerce is sinful.
To understand why we cannot make a profit from regulated trade routes, I suggest that you read the Mennonite Encyclopedia entry for the word “Business”. It is available online at and read why
- “Business activity on the part of Christians has created some of the greatest concern for the church.”
- “It is well known that business as a buying and selling activity for profit was long frowned upon by Christians as an unethical way of making a living and not worthy of a Christian calling.”
The term “business” is used in many legal definitions, for example in the legal definition of “employee”, where it is the usury of labor. Usury has always been a sin. Usury is an abomination, Ezekiel 18:13. It is a curse upon the land Isaiah 24:2-3. Punished by death in Ezekiel 18:13. In the U.S. up until 1694, accepting or paying interest was a punishable crime.
According to Walter Lipmann in his 1929 book A Preface to Morals: “The early Christian writer looked upon business as a peril to the soul” (Walter Lipmann was a journalist who’s book Public Opinion exposed how the elite manipulated the media to create World War I).
After all, every law dictionary will tell you Vir militans deo non implicetur secularibus negotiis. A man fighting for God must not be involved in secular business.
The U.S. Constitution Article 1, section 10 says No State can pass a law impairing the obligations of contracts. But courts insist they can prohibit a contract for a sinful act.
Here is what a business license is for:
Trafficking is a commerce term that is often used to define a crime if the “subjects of transportation on a route” are transported for immoral purposes. As a commerce term trafficking is defined as “Commerce; trade; sale or exchange of merchandise, bills, money, and the like.” It can also refer to (licensed commerce which has)
“Subjects of transportation on a route, as persons or goods; the passing to and fro of persons, animals, vehicles, or vessels, along a route of transportation, as along a street, canal, etc.” (Black’s Law Dictionary, Fourth Edition) Are you a subject of commerce, trade, sale or exchange of merchandise on a government regulated trade route? 1
Transportation is a commerce term that was a punishment before it became a government regulated activity in commerce.
Bouvier’s American Law Dictionary of 1856 has ONLY ONE definition of Transportation.
TRANSPORTATION, punishment. In the English law, this punishment is inflicted by virtue of sundry statutes; it was unknown to the common law. 2 H. Bl. 223. It is a part of the judgment or sentence of the court, that the party shall be transported or sent into exile. 1 Ch. Cr. Law, 789 to 796: Princ. of Pen. Law, c. 4 §2.”
Now that you have a hint that licensing of licentiousness is the permitting of evil, you might want to know why. 2
Redefinitions of the term License
LI’CENSE, noun [Latin licentia, from liceo, to be permitted.]
1. Leave; permission; authority or liberty given to do or forbear any act. A license may be verbal or written; when written, the paper containing the authority is called a license. A man is not permitted to retail spirituous liquors till he has obtained a license
2. Excess of liberty; exorbitant freedom; freedom abused, or used in contempt of law or decorum.
License they mean, when they cry liberty.LI’CENSE, verb transitive
1. To permit by grant of authority; to remove legal restraint by a grant of permission; as, to license a man to keep an inn.
2. To authorize to act in a particular character; as, to license a physician or a lawyer.
3. To dismiss. [Not in use.]
Don’t be confused by early definitions. Opening a door is license to enter. Tolerating licentiousness is permission. Inns of the court require permission from the court. To license a physician refers to hiring a physician to act in a particular character. After all, everyone had a moral duty to heal the sick and those who expect money are engaged in “an unethical way of making a living” . To license a lawyer refers to hiring a lawyer to act in a particular character, yet everyone had a moral duty to help a troubled neighbor without expecting anything in return. The crime of barratry is a crime committed by lawyers — anyone who had five cases pending in a court at one time was a criminal. A danger to society that cannot be tolerated. Over one hundred years later, licensing of lawyers shows up for the first time in Black’s Law Dictionary in 1933. Yet States do not license lawyers. Lawyers are only licensed by the bar association.
Tolerating sin evolved to government regulating sinful commercial acts. Advertising your willingness to accept money to help others overcome their difficulties required license.
LICENSE, contracts. A right given by some competent authority to do an act, which without such authority would be illegal. The instrument or writing which secures this right, is also called a license. Vide Ayl. Parerg, 353; 15 Vin. Ab. 92; Ang. Wat. Co. 61, 85.
2. A license is express or implied. An express license is one which in direct terms authorizes the performance of a certain act; as a license to keep a tavern given by public authority.
3. An implied license is one which though not expressly given, may be presumed from the acts of the party having a right to give it. The following are examples of such licenses: 1. When a man knocks at another’s door, and it is opened, the act of opening the door licenses the former to enter the house for any lawful purpose. See Hob. 62. A servant is, in consequence of his employment, licensed to admit to the house, those who come on his master’s business, but only such persons. Selw. N. P. 999; Cro. Eliz. 246. It may, however, be inferred from circumstances that the servant has authority to invite whom he pleases to the house, for lawful purposes. See 2 Greenl. Ev. #427; Entry.
4. A Iicense is either a bare authority, without interest, or it is coupled with an interest. 1. A bare license must be executed by the party to whom it is given in person, and cannot be made over or assigned by him to another; and, being without consideration, may be revoked at pleasure, as long as it remains executory; 39 Hen. VI. M. 12, page 7; but when carried into effect, either partially or altogether, it can only be rescinded, if in its nature it will admit of revocation, by placing the other side in the same situation in which he stood before he entered on its execution. 8 East, R. 308; Palm. 71; S. C. Poph. 151; S. C. 2 Roll. Rep. 143, 152.
5. – 2. When the license is coupled with an interest the authority conferred is not properly a mere permission, but amounts to a grant, which cannot be revoked, and it may then be assigned to a third person. 5 Hen. V., M. 1, page 1; 2 Mod. 317; 7 Bing. 693; 8 East, 309; 5 B. & C. 221; 7 D. & R. 783; Crabb on R. P. #521 to 525; 14 S. & R 267; 4 S. & R. 241; 2 Eq. Cas. Ab. 522. When the license is coupled with an interest, the formalities essential to confer such interest should be observed. Say. R. 3; 6 East, R. 602; 8 East, R. 310, note. See 14 S. & R. 267; 4 S. & R. 241; 2 Eq. Cas. Ab. 522; 11 Ad. & El. 34, 39; S. C. 39 Eng, C. L. R. 19.
LICENSE, International law. An authority given by one of two belligerent parties, to the citizens or subjects of the other, to carry on a specified trade.
2. The effects of the license are to suspend or relax the rules of war to the extent of the authority given. It is the assumption of a state of peace to the extent of the license. In the country which grants them, licenses to carry on a pacific commerce are stricti juris, as being exceptions to the general rule; though they are not to be construed with pedantic accuracy, nor will every small deviation be held to vitiate the fair effect of them. 4 Rob. Rep. 8; Chitty, Law of Nat. 1 to 5, and 260; 1 Kent, Com. 164, 85.
LlCENSE, pleading. The name of a plea of justification to an action of trespass. A license must be specially pleaded, and cannot, like liberum tenementum, be given in evidence under the general issue. 2. T. R. 166, 108
No longer any mention of regulation under police powers3. Motor Vehicle shows up, still no separate entry for driver’s license.
Driver’s license shows up for the first time.
No mention of streets and highways, no mention of motor carriers for hire. No mention of certifying competency to operate a motor vehicle on public roads. Servitude shows up.
1 Do you now find yourself bound just like the Bible said you would be, and made merchandise and cursed just like Peter said you would be? Now read the last item in the cargo manifest of Revelation 18:13
2. Now read Ezekiel chapter 28 and notice why Satan was cast out for establishing all the commerce trade routes (routes protected by violence) in verse 16. And notice all the commerce words. King James Version: uses words merchandise and traffic (in verses 5 and 18). New International Version: verse 18 “dishonest trade”.
Is government licensing restricting evil, or is it performing Satanic functions? Hint: in 1452 there was a decree to explorers “… to capture, vanquish and subdue the Sarccens, pagans and other enemies of Christ to take all their possessions and property and to put them into perpetual slavery.”
Are you put into perpetual slavery when you were fraudulently tricked into confessing to be an enemy of Christ? I cannot give you a direct answer, but you should notice how the definitions of licensing have evolved into servitude.
3. Police Powers are called by various phrases. ( “compelling state interest” or “police power”, “exigent circumstances”, “interests that the state may lawfully protect” or “overriding governmental interest”, or “clear and present danger doctrine”). First Amendment Rights are susceptible to restriction only to prevent grave and immediate danger to interests which the State may lawfully protect. (This phrase was used in many Supreme Court decisions to protect your rights. Carrol v. Princess Anne 393 U.S. 175, Thomas v. Collins 323 U.S. 516, West Virginia v. Barnette 319 U.S. 624, in re Brown 9 Cal.3d 612).
You can waive your religious rights to this “overriding governmental interest” according to the Supreme Court in U.S. v. Lee (455 U.S. 252), in other religious liberty cases The Supreme Court also called it “overriding state interest” in Wisconsin v. Yoder 406 US 205, and “compelling state interest” in Sherbert v. Verner 374 US 398.