Creative Brief

Part 1: Business/Organization

Name: _______________________ Contact name: ___________________

Address: ______________________________________________________

City: ________________________ State: ________ ZIP: _____________

Phone: ______________ Ext. ____ Fax: __________ Cell: _____________

URL: ________________________ Email: __________________________

Business/Organization description:

# of years in business:______ # of employees:______ # of customers:______

Part 2: Your Purpose

Purpose of your project — What do you want visitors/prospects to DO?

(Check all that apply, and then highlight the PRIMARY purpose):

Buy your products via e-commerce/shopping cart

Ask you about your services (become a qualified lead for your business)

Sign up for a free trial or e-newsletter (give you their email address)

Come to your retail store (bricks-and-mortar)

Find your website via search engines

View an electronic portfolio and/or case studies of your programs, or


Sign up to become a member of a group

Access a library of information

Attend an event

Participate in a forum for like-minded people

Search your inventory or see product options

View and/or order product demonstrations, seminars, training materials

Other _________________________________________________

Business marketing and sales goals for your project

(Check all that apply):

Cultivate more clients

Focus on selling more programs and/or services to existing clients

Grow specific programs or product lines

Launch a new program or service

Reinforce/support other marketing efforts (not serve as the main

marketing outlet)

Other _________________________________________________

Major competitors

Competitive climate (Who else offers similar products or services;

who owns this market space?):

Please list the Name and Web address of three Top Competitors.

Part 3: Your Project Scope

What materials do you already have for me to reference?

Your website (Domain Name): __________________________________

A project outline indicating what you want and envision

Business plan

Marketing plan

Product and/or service list — everything your company makes/does/offers

Current marketing materials, media plan

Brand guidelines (a document that lays out your company’s rules

regarding use of logos, colors, etc.)

Part 4: Content Message Considerations

Describe your ideal/target customer:

Gender, age, geographic location (very important), cultural considerations:

Characteristics (hobbies, interests, affiliations):

Solution they’re looking for/what you help them do:

What motivates and inspires this audience emotionally? (Being a hero,

having life balance, standing up to bullies, etc.):

Customer insights from research, anecdotes:

Essential: What’s the main UNIQUE benefit or solution only your

product or service can offer?

List the key features of your service that only you can provide.

List the key benefits that those features deliver to customers.

What is your Big Promise (what, exactly, are we promising that our

product will do): What’s the single most important benefit message

or offer for the target audience? In one sentence.

What is the support for the key messages, the proof, or “reasons to

believe” (testimonials, endorsements, case studies, product specifics, etc.)?

What are the obstacles and objections that need to be overcome for

success? For example, are you asking your audience to switch brands …

try something totally new … try something unknown?

What is the tone or “voice” to be conveyed in your messages? (serious,

lighthearted, fun, practical).

– Do you have a style manual or policy that I need to follow?

Does your audience know you?

– Do you have customer personas for me to use?

What is the offer — a reason to buy or contact you NOW? (Limited-time

trial offer, etc.)

What is the call-to-action? (Order now, inquire now, sign up for a free

newsletter or demo, register for an event, etc.)

How can the audience respond to you (phone/email/Web/mail/fax/go to

your store)?