Part 1: Business/Organization
Name: _______________________ Contact name: ___________________
Address: ______________________________________________________
City: ________________________ State: ________ ZIP: _____________
Phone: ______________ Ext. ____ Fax: __________ Cell: _____________
URL: ________________________ Email: __________________________
Business/Organization description:
# of years in business:______ # of employees:______ # of customers:______
Part 2: Your Purpose
Purpose of your project — What do you want visitors/prospects to DO?
(Check all that apply, and then highlight the PRIMARY purpose):
❑ Buy your products via e-commerce/shopping cart
❑ Ask you about your services (become a qualified lead for your business)
❑ Sign up for a free trial or e-newsletter (give you their email address)
❑ Come to your retail store (bricks-and-mortar)
❑ Find your website via search engines
❑ View an electronic portfolio and/or case studies of your programs, or
❑ Sign up to become a member of a group
❑ Access a library of information
❑ Attend an event
❑ Participate in a forum for like-minded people
❑ Search your inventory or see product options
❑ View and/or order product demonstrations, seminars, training materials
❑ Other _________________________________________________
Business marketing and sales goals for your project
(Check all that apply):
❑ Cultivate more clients
❑ Focus on selling more programs and/or services to existing clients
❑ Grow specific programs or product lines
❑ Launch a new program or service
❑ Reinforce/support other marketing efforts (not serve as the main
marketing outlet)
❑ Other _________________________________________________
Major competitors
Competitive climate (Who else offers similar products or services;
who owns this market space?):
Please list the Name and Web address of three Top Competitors.
Part 3: Your Project Scope
What materials do you already have for me to reference?
❑ Your website (Domain Name): __________________________________
❑ A project outline indicating what you want and envision
❑ Business plan
❑ Marketing plan
❑ Product and/or service list — everything your company makes/does/offers
❑ Current marketing materials, media plan
❑ Brand guidelines (a document that lays out your company’s rules
regarding use of logos, colors, etc.)
Part 4: Content Message Considerations
• Describe your ideal/target customer:
– Gender, age, geographic location (very important), cultural considerations:
– Characteristics (hobbies, interests, affiliations):
– Solution they’re looking for/what you help them do:
– What motivates and inspires this audience emotionally? (Being a hero,
having life balance, standing up to bullies, etc.):
– Customer insights from research, anecdotes:
• Essential: What’s the main UNIQUE benefit or solution only your
product or service can offer?
– List the key features of your service that only you can provide.
– List the key benefits that those features deliver to customers.
– What is your Big Promise (what, exactly, are we promising that our
product will do): What’s the single most important benefit message
or offer for the target audience? In one sentence.
– What is the support for the key messages, the proof, or “reasons to
believe” (testimonials, endorsements, case studies, product specifics, etc.)?
– What are the obstacles and objections that need to be overcome for
success? For example, are you asking your audience to switch brands …
try something totally new … try something unknown?
– What is the tone or “voice” to be conveyed in your messages? (serious,
lighthearted, fun, practical).
– Do you have a style manual or policy that I need to follow?
– Does your audience know you?
– Do you have customer personas for me to use?
– What is the offer — a reason to buy or contact you NOW? (Limited-time
trial offer, etc.)
– What is the call-to-action? (Order now, inquire now, sign up for a free
newsletter or demo, register for an event, etc.)
– How can the audience respond to you (phone/email/Web/mail/fax/go to
your store)?