Delegated authority, Part 4.
The created equal Citizens of “We The People” that created government DID NOT delegate to their government any authority that they themselves did not have.
So, How did “We The People” delegate to their subordinate civil servants any authority that they themselves did not have?
The federal government is an artificial entity. Created by the Constitution written by we the people. The government is delegated authority. “We The People” had the duty to control the creature they created. Their posterity, who inherited the creature their forefathers created, has a duty to control the creature.
If you are controlled by the creature you have a duty to control, maybe you should take the time to find out why.
Do we created-equal Citizens have the authority to:
- tax your neighbor,
- cancel his marriage; Then take his children, take half his wealth and give it as a reward for felony adultery,
- tell him that you will educate his children,
- control his right to guns,
- require him to beg for your permit to repair his back porch,
- prohibit him from collecting rainwater,
- require him to get a wage authorization number before he sells his labor?
- require him to get a banking authorization number before he can buy or sell most things, even cash a paycheck? Every State constitution says that the state cannot pass a law impairing the obligation of contracts,
- tax his death.
- Did you delegate to your civil servants the right to tax interstate commerce?*
- Can you prohibit him from a constitutional right to duel to the death?
If not, then you live in a free country.
John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government:
“Sec. 23. This freedom from absolute, arbitrary power, is so necessary to, and closely joined with a man’s preservation, that he cannot part with it, …: for a man, … cannot, by compact, or his own consent, enslave himself to any one, nor put himself under the absolute, arbitrary power of another…. No body can give more power than he has himself; …. “
If you have never seen liberty, then don’t claim to live in a free country. Find out why.
And how did anyone of “We The People” get the right to regulate commerce? Did anyone really have the right to regulate commerce?
For a long time people thought the Constitutional words “regulate commerce among the several states” referred ONLY to promoting commerce, not restricting commerce, after all, “one of the objectives of the Philadelphia Convention was the promotion of commerce” according to an analysis of the Constitution published in 1996 by the Congressional Research Service in Senate Document 103-6.
Example: the first agriculture department in Pennsylvania was created to help farmers sell eggs OUTSIDE of the Commonwealth, and to run a state fair, promoting Pennsylvania grown produce.
THAT’S IT! That was the State’s understanding of the Constitution clause regulating commerce among the several states.
“The Original Meaning of the Commerce Clause” by Randy E. Barnett- (University of Chicago Law Review Vol 68, No 1, winter 2001):
To regulate”generally meant “to make regular” — that is, to specify how an activity may be transacted — when applied to domestic commerce, but when applied foreign trade also included the power to make ‘prohibitory regulation’….
according to the original meaning of the Commerce Clause, Congress has power to specify rules to govern the manner by which people may exchange or trade goods from one state to another, to remove obstructions to domestic trade erected by states, and both regulate and restrict the flow of goods to and from other nations and the Indian tribes, for the purpose of promoting the domestic economy and foreign trade.”
John Jay, first Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court:
“With respect to the protection of national industry, I take it for granted that it will always flourish where it is lucrative and not discouraged, which was the case in North America when I left it: every man being then at liberty, by law, to cultivate the earth as he pleased, to raise what he pleased, to manufacture as he pleased, and to sell the produce of his labour to whom he pleased, and for the best prices, without any duties or impositions whatsoever. I have indeed no apprehensions whatever on this subject.”
Pelatiah Webster, “America’s first economist”:
“I propose … to take off every restraint and limitation from our commerce. Let trade be as free as air.”
Thomas Jefferson, first Inaugural Address:
“a wise and frugal Government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned. This is the sum of good government, and this necessary to close the circle of our felicities.”