You can’t receive entitlements and still have rights.
We hold the truth that all men are created equal. YOU were equal, without any restraint unless by the law of nature. Then you consented to be governed.
Once you become a ward of the government, you can only have the rights they give you. You accepted a covering. (Capitis Diminutio)
They gave you six rights. You can only have the benefits they give you, if any. And only if you qualify for welfare.
The first sentence of the Declaration of Independence says that the Laws of Nature entitle the United States to exist.
The precept “We are all created equal” is from the laws of nature. The same law “We The People” said was what entitled them to create the United States.
We had unalienable Creator-endowed rights that governments are instituted among men to secure. Until you consented to be governed.
Once you confess, on a permanent government form, that you cannot take care of our old-age planning, then you become a ward of the government. You didn’t want to be one of “We The People” who inherited a government. You wanted to be subordinate to the government.
You owe your share of the national debt. Pay up. Qui sentit commodum sentire debet et onus. “He who receives the benefit should also bear the burden.”