I help people who yearn to breathe free. I am available for counseling, lectures, and defense of liberty.
I defend traditional values. Family, marriage, life, liberty, property, free speech, privacy, redress of grievance, self defense, etc.
In order to breathe free, you must get the government boot off of your head before the swamp rises.
Disclaimer: I do not give legal advice to people who have consented to be governed.
I offer several pre-packaged gigs:
- I will write a letter exposing myths about government.
- I will help you stand up to public bullies.
- I will help you develop your speeches, articles, sermons, manuscript, blog entry or debate preparation notes.
- I will offer you a red pill.
Gig 1: I will write a letter exposing myths about government for you to post in any forum.
I can expose common deceptions. See the list, below. What I will need: Contact me or fill out the form at the bottom of this page. |
Gig 2: I will help you stand up to public bullies.The pen is mightier than the sword.
I will need: Contact me or fill out the form at the bottom of this page. |
Gig 3: I will help you develop your speeches, articles, sermons, manuscript, blog entry or debate preparation notes.
I will need you to tell me about your attack plan and email me something to comment on, even if it is just an outline. Extras: FAQ: The editors’ industry standard is 250 words per manuscript page. Contact me or fill out the form at the bottom of this page. |

Gig 5: I will offer you a red pill.
Do you need to flush yourself out of the Matrix? Warning: Christ tells us that only those who stand firm to the end shall be saved. As was most eloquently stated by Patrick Henry in his famous We Must Fight speech of March 23, 1775 “I know not what course others may take, but as for me give me Liberty, or give me death.” Contact me or fill out the form at the bottom of this page. |
Custom counseling is available.
Just ask.
Truth telling
Basic rate: Free.
After you have spent $3000 trying to find a lawyer who could tell you the truth, I will send you basic fundamental truths for free. Call or email me.
Defense of Marriage
Most people who get a marriage license did not need one. If you and your spouse are of the same race and religion, you are most likely NOT within the statutory scheme of your marriage license. A right cannot be licensed.
How did 18 centuries of Christianity exist with everyone knowing that marriage was until death, and then a century later everyone assumes that “the authorities” can cancel it? Marriage is a relation for life according to the U.S. Supreme Court. Common vows include phrases such as: Until death we do part. All the days of our lives. So long as we both shall live.
Only licensed marriage can be divorced, with rare exceptions.
A 518 page law textbook on marriage law says:
“Experience, independently of religion, teaches that the great ends of matrimony cannot be fulfilled without imprinting on it a character of indissolubility, … The law has therefore imposed on the contract of marriage such a conditions; It is the law… that gives effect to and supports all contracts; … and every one who contracts matrimony knows the terms of his engagement….” (A Practical Treatise of The Law of Marriage and Divorce by Leonard Shelford, Littell Publishers, Philadelphia, 1841.)
I will help you challenge your divorce court’s jurisdiction.
Exhausting Administrative Remedies
— read your State’s Administrative Procedures Act before calling me. Confronting the bullies is often effective enough to stop them.
Hire someone without SSN
If you are an employer who wants to hire someone who has never had a SSN:
— I can help you and your future employee establish an administrative record of conflicting regulations. Do this before you ask for official help on how to resolve conflicting requirements. All my advice for this effort is free.
— You and the employee must be willing to withstand scrutiny of the IRS.
— Typically this is for parents who want to hire their homeschooled child.
Rescission of prior contracts
— there are plenty of rescission packages out there. I don’t deal with any of them. Find a local paralegal to help you.
1. Responding to Judicial process — search your State’s Constitution for the words “style of process”. If you were served papers without the mandatory words required by your State’s Constitution, then you are being dragged into a non-judicial court. Wise up. A real judicial court must defend you from the yellow fringed flag of 14th Amendment tribunals. Reread the Constitution. Judicial Courts are established. Tribunals are constituted.
2. Proposed Jury Instructions are due several days before trial. Read your State’s rules.
3. Your government was instituted among men to secure the blessings of liberty.