Capitalism is part of the Laws of Nature that entitle the United States to exist. It is the right to property. It is a free market operating freely with your God-given free will. Government controlled capitalism is NOT capitalism. It is so basic a right that it did not appear in writing until 1833. The Law Dictionaries did not define it until 1999. Government controlled capitalism violates the Creator-endowed right to pursue happiness that governments are instituted among men to secure.
If your wages are taxed, it is because you do not own your means of production. How did this happen?
The Laws of Nature.
A squirrel storing an acorn for the future is a capitalist. He enjoys living in a tree planted by his great-great grandfather.
A bird building a nest is a capitalist.
A dung beetle collecting his valuables is a capitalist. They even have fights (competition) over their capital assets.
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“America’s abundance was not created by public sacrifices to the ‘common good,’ but by the productive genius of free men who pursued their own personal interests and the making of their own private fortunes. They did not starve the people to pay for America’s industrialization.”
— Ayn Rand, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, page 29.
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Definitions of Capitalism (which does not exist anymore in America)
It was originally defined as movable property, which did not include real estate. It comes from the Latin word for head. Originally as head of cattle.
Merriam-Webster definition of capitalism:
“: an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods, by investments that are determined by private decision, and by prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market”
First Known Use of capitalism 1833, in the meaning defined above.
“Capital is wealth—that is, money and goods—that’s used to produce more wealth. Capitalism is practiced enthusiastically by capitalists, people who use capital to increase production and make more goods and money. Capitalism works by encouraging competition in a fair and open market. Its opposite is often said to be socialism. Where a capitalist economy encourages private actions and ownership, socialism prefers public or government ownership and control of parts of the economy. In a pure capitalist system, there would be no public schools or public parks, no government programs such as Social Security and Medicare, and maybe not even any public highways or police. In a pure socialist system, there wouldn’t be any private corporations. In other words, there’s just about no such thing as pure capitalism or pure socialism in the modern world.”
Note: The Italian word capitale was diffused into other western European languages due to the European significance of the Florentine banking houses. The meaning “movable property, patrimony, riches” of capitāle is attested in Latin from the ninth century (in the half-vernacular form catallum, from Chartres) and in Romance vernaculars: in the Gallo-Romance area (Old French chatel, in the dialect of Picardy and French Flanders catel—see cattle, chattel; as Old Occitan capdal), in Iberia (Spanish caudal “property, abundance”), northern Italy (Upper Italian cavear [Genoa] “patrimony in money, riches,” cavià [Asti], cavedale [Milan]—see Lessico etimologico italiano); in Tuscany, capitale. The semantic logic behind a derived nominal sense “property” from an adjectival sense “of the head, chief, principal” (if these are even the relevant meanings) is less than transparent. Note, however, the use of caput to mean “head of cattle,” a form of wealth, in the early Germanic laws (Lex Salica, Lex Allamanorum—see Niemeyer, Mediae Latinitatis lexicon minus)
In 1999 the Black’s Law Dictionary seventh edition was the first time it appears in a law dictionary:
The definition of capitalism keeps changing. But capitalism is never government controlled. Capitalism is the right to keep, spend, or invest your own money. The means of production are yours. No one else makes your decisions or impairs the obligation of your contracts. The United States does not have capitalism anymore. If someone can claim a portion of your paycheck, then you are not living under capitalism. You are a slave.
Prove it to yourself– just try to run a lemonade stand from your own property and notice how fast someone tries to impair your contracts, increase your costs, or make your decisions for you. And No. Public safety is not a reason to restrict you. The original food laws were not even written laws, they were an assumed contract that you would sell only wholesome food. It was then up to a jury of your peers to determine violations and award damages. Public safety could restrict a right “only to prevent grave and immediate damage to interests the state could lawfully protect”.
Karl Marx wrote Das Kapital in 1867. He wrote the Communist Manifesto in 1848.
The fifth plank of the Communist Manifesto is a central bank. Banks are anti-American. They are the golden calf of socialism.
Income tax is the second plank of the Communist Manifesto. The IRS is communism. Communism is un-American. Communism cannot recognize individual rights.
US Congressman in the 1840’s Robert Dale Owen, later known as the father of American socialism, believed that the Christian faith hindered man’s evolution.
Means of Production
I sell my labor. It is my means of production. The United States Supreme Court says labor is your most sacred right. In Butcher’s Union v. Crescent City 111 U.S. 746:
“The property which every man has in his own labor, as it is the original foundation of all other property, so it is the most sacred and inviolable. … to hinder his employing this strength and dexterity in what manner he thinks proper without injury to his neighbor, is a plain violation of this most sacred property.”
Notice that wages are a property right. Just as much as a gold prospector on his mining claim, or a squirrel storing nuts for the future.
Do you still have “the most sacred and inviolable” right to your labor, which is “the original foundation of all other property”? Or did you voluntarily wave your right to earn wages thereby making your wages taxable?
Did Woodrow Wilson’s (D) socialists in 1913 and FDR’s (D) socialists in 1933 take away your most sacred property right? So that capitalism could not exist in America.
- The 1913 Federal Reserve Act authorized paper money as debt instruments.
- The 1913 ratification of the 16th Amendment brought about an income tax which was to tax interest earned on bank accounts.
- The 1933 FDR seizure of our gold coins, eliminated Constitutional required gold coins of the relm. Contrary to their oaths of office.
One month after the FDR socialists seized our gold coins, Senate Document 43 was published. Page 13 explains the official USA socialist ownership:
”The ultimate ownership of all property is in the State; individual so-called “ownership” is only by virtue of Government, i.e. law, amounting to mere user; and use must be in accordance with law, and subordinate to the necessities of the State. The fact that citizens, at a given time, may prefer specie to currency, or vice versa, can not prevent Congress from enacting those laws which it deems necessary to the maintenance of a proper monetary system. If the law makes specie and currency equivalent for purposes of payment, a failure to pay a given sum in specie, according to contract, cannot possibly beget an obligation to pay a greater sum in legal-tender notes, whatever premium men may choose to give for gold, when forced to obtain it for a specific purpose, or when impelled by a spirit of speculation, or by a distrust of Government. (Brown v. Welch, supra.)
Did FDR socialists then tax your most sacred property, your wages?

The right to property is one of the three rights of all mankind.
The 16th Amendment taxes interest on bank accounts And read about the ratification debates and the front page NYT article.
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