Don’t dismiss the Concentration Camp rumors.
Just when you thought you were safe from contact tracing and forced quarantine. Contact tracing at political events is now done through Google geolocating.
Unvaccinated people are falsely deemed at high risk of COVID. And now concentration camps are called the “shielding approach” to shield the public from people deemed at high risk of COVID.…/Interim-Operational… Don’t miss all the mentions of camp. And notice that they avoid the word quarantine.
Meanwhile, Washington State is hiring COVID Strike Teams. The Washington State Department of Health (DOH) division of Emergency Preparedness and Response (EPR) “ensures the agency and its local health, tribal, and medical partners are better prepared to respond to and recover from public health emergencies, major disasters, and terrorist activities that affect the health of the people of Washington State. “

According to the job description
“People who test positive for COVID-19 or who are exposed to someone who tests positive are asked to isolate or quarantine (I & Q) away from other people for 10 to 14 days in order to reduce risk of transmitting the virus to others. …
Team members provide transportation to and from the facility in vans that have been altered to separate air flow to protect the driver. …
Under the direction of the Team Lead, these Program Specialist 2 (PS 2) positions are responsible for participating in program planning and evaluation of health service delivery products and identifying needs for personnel, supplies, and activities to support community and state response activities. These positions implement policies and procedures that guide the work of the team.”
And just what are these “activities to support state response … [to] implement policies and procedures that guide the work of the team”? You can find these in Washington State regulation WAC 246-100-040 that requires
“(1) At his or her sole discretion, a local health officer may issue an emergency detention order causing a person or group of persons to be immediately detained for purposes of isolation or quarantine in accordance with subsection (3) of this section, …”
They are using the same playbook from earlier national socialists. Here is a book about isolating the “diseased” Jews by the NAZIs.
Racial Hygiene: Medicine Under the Nazis, by Robert N. Proctor

Your papers are not in order. You are a potential threat to our lives. Ve vill send you to ze decontamination showers.
A copy of the U.S. Army Field Manual FM 3-39.40 INTERNMENT AND RESETTLEMENT OPERATIONS is available at… (No, this is not for foreign refugee camps, notice the requirement for Social Security Numbers in paragraph 7-16 — and don’t miss the term “reeducation” in chapter 8 and Appendix K)
Welcome to your Novus Ordo Seclorum, Secular New World Order.
Meanwhile in Tennessee Executive Order 83 “AN ORDER TO FACILITATE THE CONTINUED RESPONSE TO COVID-19”…/exec-orders-lee83… Section 18: “Temporary quarantine and isolation facilities may be constructed … ”