How lawyers destroyed marriage.

America was founded on two millennia of ethical values.  Nowhere in the Bible does divorce cancel a marriage.  Divorce in the Bible only refers to living separately. Even the U.S. Supreme Court in 1888 said that “marriage is a relation for life”.

Question: How did marriage change from “the basis of civilized society and of sound morals…” in 1841 where it was considered by lawyers to be  “the source of all natural relations of mankind… the source of all industry and economy…. The origin of all subordination and government, and consequently of all peace and safety in the world, and, finally the foundation of all religion,  …” — to today’s contempt for family values?
Answer: lawyers changed the definition of marriage.

Question: How did the crime of adultery change from a felony which was also the greatest of civil injuries “… wherein the damages recovered are usually very large and exemplary.” — to a protected right?
Answer: lawyers changed the definition of marriage.

Question: How did marriage change from “a relation for life” in 1888, to a contract with the State for a disposable spouse?
Answer: lawyers changed the definition of marriage.

Question: How did courts get the authority to seize half of the family wealth and give it as a reward for the — now unpunishable — crime of adultery?  Even though traditional family values clearly say:


Answer: lawyers changed the definition of marriage.

Question: How did children become property of the State?
Hint: Law textbooks used in early America said “bastards are not looked upon as children to any civil purposes”.
Answer: lawyers changed the definition of marriage.

Question: How did THE crime against nature become protected by government, when it had always been more detestable than child rape?
Answer: lawyers changed the definition of marriage.


My book Unlicensed Marriage.
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