The lock step march to the destruction of Locked-down America. Don’t be fooled. It is a lock step march to the Mark of The Beast.
Ben Franklin warned us that those who give up liberty to obtain safety deserve neither. Why do so many sheeple quietly march to their slaughter when told to do so by the foreign controlled World Health Organization? Join me in pondering the lies that enslave us.
Why does the controlled media proclaim that a global pandemic is killing too many people when only three-one-thousandths of one percent of people under age 65 die from (not just with) the disease — and more elderly die from falls than the disease?
Why have we destroyed Main Street USA, eliminated the middle class, indebted our children with $Trillions borrowed to bailout the obvious consequences of obedience to foolish rulers?
The Rockefeller Foundation 2010 White Paper, “Scenarios for the Future of Technology and International Development”, has a chapter entitled Lock Step with their plan to get us marching in their direction (unstated: to total domination by those who demand you surrender all your rights).
This May 2010 white paper examines possible future scenarios to take advantage of pandemics. Start with the chapter entitled Lock Step. Search for “pandemic”.
WHO white paper
A WORLD AT RISK advocated the advantages to their agenda of a plandemic.
Link —
Page 2: Acknowledgements “We extend our deep appreciation and thanks to the Director-General of the World Health Organization and to the President, World Bank Group for having co-convened the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board (GPMB).”
Page 39: Progress indicator(s) by September 2020 “• The United Nations (including WHO) conducts at least two systemwide training and simulation exercises, including one covering the deliberate release of a lethal respiratory pathogen.”
Is the second one also going to be a lethal respiratory pathogen?
Director-General of the World Health Organization
Just who is this Director-General of the World Health Organization that is so highly praised for co-inventing the Global Preparedness Monitoring Board?
The head of the World Health Organization is a radical communist, and a former member of a violent terrorist organization. According to the BBC (link:, Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, the director general of the WHO, started his career with membership in the Tigray People’s Liberation Front.
The Department of Homeland Security has this to say about TPLF:
“The TPLF qualifies as a Tier III terrorist organization… on the basis of its violent activities before it became part of the ruling coalition and the government of Ethiopia in May 1991,”
according to the Department of Homeland Security. — Link:
REOPEN Society
And now we have the latest Rockefeller Foundation plan to reopen workplaces and society. With drastic military control of the population.
Here is a link to the Rockefeller plan entitled “National Covid-19 Testing Action Plan: Pragmatic steps to reopen our workplaces and our communities”
And here is a commentary about the military requirements to force compliance.
Welcome to your Novus Ordo Seclorum new world order.
Also see Employment COVID vaccine release form. Get them to sign this BEFORE you volunteer for a vaccine.
Here is a link to Home – ICAN – Informed Consent Action Network (