Why does the Constitution/Bill of Rights NOT include education, even though all of the founders knew it as a vital part of maintaining liberty?
Steven Miller
· Originally answered Jan 21, 2018
Public schools are the 10th plank of the Communist Manifesto. Communism cannot recognize individual rights. Public schools have no place in America.
The United States Supreme Court keeps persisting, over and over and over again that it is the parents’ duty to educate their children. Meyer v. Nebraska, 262 U.S. 390, Plyler v. Doe, 457 U.S. 202, Pierce v. Society of Sisters, 268 U.S. 510, Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406 U.S. 205, and there are dozens of cases on family privacy.
Parents’ have a duty to educate their own children. Those who fail to educate their own children will lose their children to state custody where they will be forced into public schools. The received-law-of-the-land as described in Blackstone’s Commentaries, Book 1, chapter 16, entitled “The Rights of Children” tells us that: “The duty of parents for the maintenance of their [legitimate] children is a principle of natural law… The establishment of marriage in all civilized states is built on this natural obligation… The last duty of parents to their children is that of giving them an education suitable to their station in life… Yet the municipal laws … constraining the parent to bestow a proper education upon his children… made a wise provision for breeding up the rising generation… [these neglected children] are taken out of the hands of their parents.”
The State’s Children
That’s right! By institutionalizing “your” children, you have confessed that you are incapable of raising your own children. You lose your parental rights. The children become wards of the state. It is no wonder family courts are so sure that they have jurisdiction over the state’s children. Activist judges no longer fear that they will be charged with kidnapping, genocide, and depravation of liberty under color of law. But, for un-surrendered children, state protection would be severely limited to a compelling state interest.
In 1993 a federal court ruled in Qutb v. Strauss, 11 F3d 488:
“a parent’s right to rear their children without undue governmental interference is a fundamental component of due process.”
Even the U.S. Supreme Court repeated Blackstone’s principle of natural law in Meyer v. Nebraska, 262 U.S. 390, by concluding “it is the natural duty of the parent to give his children education suitable to their station in life…”
Enrollment in Public School
Interestingly, in my local school district, the registration form for enrolling a student does not need a parent’s signature. If you are so incompetent that you cannot educate your own children, then you are deemed to be too incompetent to sign over your children. They don’t even need to ask for a signature.
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For much more information read my essay on Public Education.