Have you ever asked yourself the question: How do I know if I have waived my rights?
Rights only come with responsibilities. Irresponsible people are quickly removed from their rights. After all, every law dictionary will tell you “The civil laws reduce an ungrateful freedman to his original slavery” Libertinum ingratum leges civiles in pristinam servitutem redigunt. But with liberal policies enticing those who should know better, many people are easily tricked out of their rights by legalities they did not understand. So how do you know if you have any rights left?
Take this simple three question quiz:
1. Are your wages taxed? If so, you waived your rights.
A right cannot be taxed. If you waive your right to earn wages, your wages will become taxable.
Income tax was declared unconstitutional in 1895 in Pollock v. Farmer’s Loan Co. (157 US 429, 158 U.S. 601), The 16th Amendment did not change this. The Supreme Court ruled: , “… the 16th amendment conferred no new powers of taxation” in Stanton v. Baltic Mining Co. 240 US 103.
Hint: Getting a SSN changes your citizenship. You waive your thousands of unalienable rights in exchange for the six rights they give you.

2. Are you subject to federal laws? If so you waived your rights.
Your State legislature makes laws for their own citizens. Your birth did not voluntarily subject yourself to any federal laws. If you are subject to more than three federal laws (the three crimes mentioned in the U.S. Constitution) it is because you have voluntarily subjected yourself to such a form of government.
The Supreme Court in U.S. v Cruikshank, 92 U.S. 542 at 551: “It is the natural consequence of a citizenship which owes allegiance to two sovereignties, and claims protection from both. The citizen cannot complain, because he has voluntarily submitted himself to such a form of government.”
3. Are you a ward of the government?
You are a ward of government if you have ever confessed that you cannot take care of yourself. For example, by applying for any government welfare program, such as applying for a SSN, or even applying for unemployment insurance. You waived your rights.
You are also a ward of government if someone else, such as a lawyer, can make decisions for you. Once you avail yourself of a government benefit, you have confessed that you cannot manage your own affairs. The Social Security Act, Section 205(c)(2)(B)(i)(II), allows SS cards to be issued ONLY to an “applicant for or recipient of benefits under any program financed in whole or in part by Federal funds”. And to aliens after 1972, and to children surrendered by a parent.
Here is how their deception works. Others may, but are not required, to step in and manage the affairs of those who cannot take care of themselves.
“An implied procuration takes place when an individual sees another managing his affairs and does not interfere to prevent it” (Black’s Law Dictionary definition of tacit procuration).
Those who are managed have no say in how they are treated. There is no remedy for those who are damaged by their agent. Procurationem adversus nulla est praescriptio.
There are dozens of legal reasons to explain why others can manage you and make your decisions for you. These are explained in my eBook The Citizen Cannot Complain.
One way to waive your right to earn wages is to get a Social Security Number. Most people do not believe this. They think a SSN is just a silly number. Many will insist that they need one to get a job. The solution is just as Christ said, the truth will set you free. Once you are free you must stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has set you free (Galatians 5).
SSA LETTERS STATE THAT SSNs ARE NOT REQUIRED TO LIVE OR WORK IN THE UNITED STATES. Ask them if it is still true, and you will get your own letters.
- “If you do not wish your employer to use your SSN, you should request your employer to enter the phrase “religious objector” in the space provided for a SSN when your employer reports your wages and taxes.” (dated June 6, 1981, signed by the Commissioner himself — Here)
- “you should request present and future employers to enter the phrase, “religious objector” in the space provided for a social security number when they report your wages and taxes. You may show this letter to your employer(s) to show that your request is valid.” (Aug 23 1979) Here
- By 1986 this advice was changed to “Workers who do not wish to use their Social Security numbers for religious or other reasons should get in touch with the Internal Revenue Service office in their area to explain their position and receive advice on how to proceed. We do not have the authority to require an employer to provide or deny employment or services to anyone who refuses to disclose his or her number. This is a matter between the individual and the employer.” — letter from the SSA Commissioner Here
- “To our knowledge, there is no law which states employment can be denied if the employee does not have a Social Security number.” (dated Sep 23 1988)
- “There is no Social Security law requiring a U.S. citizen to have an SSN to live or work in the United States.” (dated Jul 19, 1993) Here
- “We are not aware of any Federal law or regulation that requires an employer to obtain a Social Security number before hiring an employee or for employment purposes.” (dated April 23, 1997 SSA letter in response to an inquiry to a U.S. Attorney — Here)
- “Yes, there is no law requiring an individual to have a Social Security number to work.” (Jan 09, 2001) Here
- “We do not have the authority to require an employer to provide or deny employment or services to anyone who refuses to disclose his or her number. This is a matter between the individual and the employer.” — Commissioner of Social Security (Here)
- “A person with no social security number would have no taxable income (see paragraph above)” — SSA letter (Here)
- “There is no Social Security law requiring a person to have an SSN to live or work in the United States. — SSA letter to Congressman (Here..)
- “The Social Security Act does not require a person to have a Social Security Number (SSN) to live and work in the United States, nor does it require an SSN simply for the purpose of having one. … … The Privacy Act regulates the use of SSNs by government agencies. They may require an SSN only if a law or regulation either orders or authorizes them to do so. … If the request has no legal basis, the person may refuse to provide the number and still receive the agency’s services.” — SSA letter (Here)
- “”The Social Security Act does not require a person to have a Social Security number to live and work in the United States. … [the Supreme Court] upheld the constitutionality of the provision of the law requiring employers to withhold Social Security taxes from employees’ wages and to pay taxes to the Internal Revenue Service. The provision is constitutional even when such withholding or payment conflicts with employer’s or employee’s religious or other beliefs.” — SSA letter Here. The Supreme Court case quoted in the letter was about an Amish man who had a Social Security Number, even though most Amish will never get a number.
My essay SSNs are not required for employment.
My essay SSNs are not required to live or work in the United States.
My book The Citizen Cannot Complain.